Medal of Honor: above and beyond is an action-packed immersive VR game that takes place during World War II. You play as an OSS agent who must complete missions across Europe.

An epic single-player campaign full of historical details takes you through major events during World II, from sabotage missions to helping the French resistance.

Let’s see when it will be released.

When is Medal of Honor VR Coming Out?

The medal of honor VR was already released on December 11, 2020.

The game is filled with action-packed adventures that will keep you hooked for a long time. It includes:

Combat Exercises

You’ll get to play through an immersive story set during World War II, learn more about the war by watching award-winning short films made specifically for the game, and compete against your friends in intense, fast-paced multiplayer battles.


Multiplayer modes occur on various websites across Europe and involve competitive modes where you play alone, with a group, or even race to plant and defuse timed bombs.

How to Win?

To be successful at your mission, you’ll need more than just a good aim. Use any object in the world as cover; toss back enemy hand grenades; swim from drowning ships; and dive out of flaming planes.

If you want to survive, you need to be aware at all times. You’re not just witnessing history; you’re living it.


The game takes players back to their childhoods by placing them in the shoes of an American soldier fighting against Nazi Germany during WWII. Players take control of different characters from the Allied Forces, including the British SAS, the US Rangers, and the French Maquis.


Respawn Entertainment developed the original Medal of Honor for EA before developing Above and Beyond for Microsoft Windows. After meeting with Facebook executives at E3 2014, they decided to develop an exclusive title for Oculus Rift.

It was released for the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality headsets in April 2018.


As you play through the game, you gain access to the Gallery, which features short videos of WWII veterans talking about their experiences during the war.

During the production of the documentary series for the Gallery mode, we teamed up with the National Museum of American History to create an exhibit that was featured in their museum.

The exhibit was created by NMAAHC’s chief curator, Dr. Lonnie Bunk III, who worked closely together with the team at Respawn to make sure that it accurately reflects the experiences of black soldiers during the war.


The gallery has four sections

  • The Fight
  • The Home Front
  • The Aftermath
  • Legacy

Each section has several video clips, each one narrated by a different veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

System Requirements


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and an OS
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 9700K or better
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1080 equivalent or greater
  • Storage: Available space: 180 GB

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the Medal of Honour on the VR?

On a technical level, Medal of Honor: Warfighter is one of Quest’s best games, bringing an epic, Hollywood-style campaign to standalone VR with changes that often aren’t as dramatic as you might think.

Can you play Medal of Honour VR on Quest?

Despite looking less than perfect compared to its PC VR counterpart, Medal of Honor: Above And Beyond still feels great to experience on the Oculus Quest 2 headset.

What’s the price for Medal of Honor VR?

When Medal of Honor: Above And Beyond launches for Quest 2 on November 14, you’ll be able to play it on both Oculus Go and Gear VR.

How long is Medal of Honor VR?

Those levels would take anywhere from five to twenty-five-minute sessions, which means they’d add up to ten to twelve hours of playtime. UploadVR estimated this duration in their coverage of the game.

How many missions are in the VR Medal of Honor?

There are six main campaigns, each one divided into about twelve smaller sections. Additionally, you can play the game solo or against others online. However, we weren’t able to test out any of these multiplayer modes during the time I played the game.

How big is Medal of Honor VR on Oculus Quest 2?

Medal of Honor: Above and beyond will take up around 45 GB on Quest 2, cross-buy confirmed.

Why did the Medal of Honor stop?

Warfighter was both critically and commercially unsuccessful. In January 2013, EA CEO John Riccitiello announced that the Medal of Honour franchise would be removed from rotation because of its poor performance.

Will Medal of Honor: Above And Beyond be available for Oculus Quest?

Medal of Honor: Warfighter will support Quest 2 but won’t include any content from the original Quest release. Oculus has confirmed cross-purchase between the two games, so if you own the original Quest edition you’ll be able to download the new one for free. Unfortunately, cross-platform multiplayer isn’t supported.

Is Medal of Honor VR worth it?

It’s a brilliant frenetic experience that really shows Respawn Thinking Outside the Box in a Way Other Areas of the Games Lack.

And, more generally, the lack of fuss surrounding the multiplayer — easy, quick matches, etc — makes it an ideal entry point into competitive VR gaming.


The action in Medal Of Honor: Above And Beyond doesn’t rise to the lofty standards it sets for itself as an attempt at honoring real soldiers of World War II.

With its absolutely insane system req­uirements, the game has an extremely high price tag for anyone who wants to play it. However, despite its shortcomings, it’s still a good enough shooter.

If you have any questions feel free to comment below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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