Virtual Reality Technology Is Developed So Fast That It Has Become Infinitely More Than Just An Entertainment Device.

There are approximately 58.9 million VR (virtual reality) users in the United States, and they use VR for various reasons, including gaming, education, and business simulations.

One of the best-selling virtual reality (VR) headsets for consumers is the Oculus Quest.

There are several different types of VR headsets available from Oculus VR. We’ve listed them here.

Let’s find out.

What is Oculus VR?

The standard Oculus Quest setup includes a VR head-mounted display and two controllers for use by both players.

It can be used for playing games, working, studying, and engaging in numerous life-limiting and imaginative simulations.

What is the Oculus Quest?

The Oculus Quest VR device was released in 2019 and has since been one of the most popular headsets in the modern world.

The Oculus Quest isn’t the first headset from Oculus, but it is the most popular.

Built-in Cameras

This VR headset has four built-in cameras, which enhance the immersive experienc­e of the virtual reality environment. It also comes with headphones with spatial sound.

Motion-Tracking Sensor

It also has a motion-tracking sensor.


It was developed by a company called Oculus VR, which is now owned by Facebook.

Oculus Quest System

The standard Oculus Quest setup includes a VR helmet (HMD), two controllers for use by both hands, and an optional Touchpad controller.


It can be used for playing games, working, studying, and engaging in various life-imitating and imaginary simulation activities.

Oculus Quest Capability

Both Oculus Quest virtual reality headsets are built on Android OS. They let you experience different VR apps in the field of games, multimedia, simulation, etc.

You can buy these apps from the official app stores, or you can hire an app developer to create one for you.

How Does the Oculus Quest Work?

Oculus Quest works independently from any external devices. It’s a multifaceted gadget for entertainment and edu­cation that immerses its users in a virtual world.

What Can Oculus Quest Specifically Do?

Once you put on the headset and activate the function, you’ll be able to see the real-life environment around you so that you know exactly where you are when you enter the virtual one.

You can play video or computer games even when you’re away from your desk. Additionally, you can take part in interactive training in a simulated virtual world.

Configuring the Device

You don’t even have to use a computer to set up the device; you can simply use a head­set or a device that supports Oculus’ mobile app.

You can also stream games or movies from your computer to your television or smartphone so that others can watch them.


The standard set comes with two touch controls equipped with sensors.

The word “sensor” refers to the hardware used by an Oculus Rift headset to detect movement and translate them into visual effects within games.

Oculus Quest 2

Oculus Go 2, an improved variant of the original headset, launched in 2019. Since its release in 2019, 3.5 million headsets have been sold worldwide as of Q4 2019.

The Oculus Quest 2 VR Headphone is an advanced all-all-in-one Virtual Reality (VR) head­set launched a full one-and-a-half years after its predecessor.

Difference from Oculus Quest

Compared to the original Oculus Quest, the new version has better specifications.

The new version of this headset has been improved by making it lighter, increasing its memory capacity, and replacing the processor with a better one.

Unlike the first Oculus Quest, which was made in black, the second Oculus Quest is made in white.

How Does the Oculus Quest 2 Work?

The Quest 2 VR headset works on the same principle as the Quest 1 VR headset. You create a personal Oculus account to access and use content in virtual realities.


The headset consists of an HMD with four built-in camera sensors and two touch controllers. It also has a built-in sensor for detecting when you’re wearing the headset.

Do You Need a PC for Oculus Quest 2?

The answer is no. You don’t need a Facebook account to play games on the Oculus Quest 2. However, if you want to access the same game libraries as the Oculus Quest, you can log into a PC using the same login credentials you used for the original Oculus Quest.

There isn’t an obvious difference between the two devices, but there is one big difference: the Oculus Quest 2 has stronger specs than the original Oculus Quest.

How Can You Use Oculus Quest in Your Business?

Aside from the basic functions and apps available with every consumer model, the manufacturers also provide an enterprise service for their devices.

This is an offer from the Oculus for Business program. Some of the benefits of the program include

Built-in Collaboration Tool

Oculus Enterprise Software includes a Workplace collaboration feature from Facebook.

Spatial Memory Technology

Enterprise Oculus headsets are designed with Spatial Memory technology that remembers frequent movements and activities, helping train staff and automate standard procedures.

Customer Support

You can contact Oculus Support if you need assistance with any technical issues you might encounter.

Guides and Documentation

They provide lots of helpful guides and documentation for developers who want to use their API.

Applications of Oculus Rift VR

Look into the possibilities of using Oculus Rift for different industries.


You can use VR technology to train medical professionals and medical students. It’s also a good way to run emergency and health care equipment courses.

Furthermore, VR apps for health care can be used for patient treatments and more efficient rehabilitation.


Immersive education through virtual reality (VR) is an excellent way to replace old textbooks with new ones.

Therefore, new knowledge is assimilable better when learners experience it through an innovative and exciting format.

Real Estate

Real-life VR lets agents show potential buyers or renters an actual property before they buy or rent it. So, instead of having them visit the house or apartment, they can experience it virtually.


VR can be a useful aid for construction workers, especially engineers, supervisors, laborers, and surveyors. It allows them to view the construction site from all sides and plans further works without exposing anyone to any risks.

There are numerous ways to use VR in buildings.


The Oculus Quest is an all-in-one VR headset developed by Facebook-owning company Oculus. It has no external sensors or controllers needed to operate it.

If you have any further questions, please leave them below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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