The very first step to start an MBA journey is to craft a compelling essay for application. The entire process of writing MBA application essays can feel like navigating a labyrinth in the dark. The stakes are high, the competition fierce, and the pressure palpable. But fear not, as help is always there.

The World Wide Web is full of surprises, containing solutions to all your problems. Just like an MBA essay writing service by MyAssignmentHelp or similar academic websites can turn into your trusty lantern in the MBA admissions labyrinth. With the help of the experts, you can easily dodge the pitfalls and emerge victorious on the other side of that application portal.

Another option is to continue reading this blog. You will get it all here, starting from understanding the advantages and disadvantages of essay writing in getting an MBA to a guide to composing an exemplary one. Let’s begin –


  1. Storytelling Supremacy:

MBA programs aren’t just interested in your GPA or GMAT score; they want to know the person behind the metrics. Essays provide a canvas for showcasing your unique journey, experiences, and aspirations. You become the protagonist in a narrative where business acumen and personal growth intertwine.

  1. Differentiation Dynamo:

Imagine a bustling marketplace where everyone is selling the same product – themselves. Your essays are the megaphone that amplifies your voice above the cacophony. What sets you apart? What makes you the prime candidate? Essays are your opportunity to stand out, to be the zebra among the horses.

  1. Holistic Reflection:

Through introspection, you gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, values, and goals. This not only enhances your MBA application but also serves as a compass for your post-MBA journey. Essays, in essence, are a self-discovery expedition with a direct route to an MBA destination.

  1. Communication Command:

Clear, concise, and compelling communication is a hallmark of effective leadership. You develop and showcase this essential skill by articulating your thoughts in essays. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about how you say it, and essays are your rehearsal stage for the grand communication performance.


  1. Word Count Conundrum:

The challenge is akin to fitting a 5-course gourmet meal into a bento box. You must trim, condense, and sacrifice details to meet the prescribed word count. This limitation can leave applicants grappling with what to include and what to omit, potentially diluting the richness of their stories.

  1. Subjectivity Struggle:

What resonates with one admissions officer might not strike a chord with another. This subjectivity introduces an element of unpredictability into the application process. A well-crafted essay might not receive the acclaim it deserves simply due to the personal preferences of the reader.

  1. Time-Consuming Tightrope:

The MBA application process is a marathon, not a sprint. Balancing essays with other components like GMAT preparation, recommendation letters, and interviews can be akin to walking a tightrope. The time invested in essay writing must be carefully managed to avoid neglecting other critical elements of your application.

  1. Pressure Cooker Precision:

MBA applicants often feel the weight of expectations bearing down on them. The pursuit of perfection in essays can morph into a pressure cooker environment, stifling creativity and authenticity. The fear of not meeting the perceived standards can overshadow the joy of storytelling.

Now, let’s dig deeper to find the main pillars of a successful MBA application.

Pillars Of Writing A Successful MBA Essay

1. Crafting Your MBA Narrative

  • Know Thyself: Begin with introspection. Like a skilled detective, unearth your motivations, aspirations, and experiences. What’s your story? What unique blend of skills and quirks do you bring to the MBA table?
  • Plot the Course: Your essay is a narrative, not a laundry list. Chart a course for the reader – from past to present to future. Connect the dots between your journey and your MBA ambitions. Imagine it as a thrilling novel; nobody likes a story that meanders without purpose.
  • The ‘Why MBA?’ Conundrum: Address the elephant in the room – why an MBA? It’s not just about a bigger paycheck. Maybe you aspire to be the Sherlock Holmes of corporate strategy, solving intricate business puzzles. Or perhaps you envision yourself as the superhero of startups, swooping in to save the day with your MBA-honed skills.

2. The Art of Persuasion

  • The Hook: Your introduction is the fishing hook. Make it irresistible. Avoid generic statements that induce yawns. Instead, grab attention like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat – surprise, delight, captivate!
  • Show, Don’t Tell: We have all heard this advice, but what does it mean? Instead of saying, “I’m a great leader,” narrate a story where your leadership turned a chaotic project into a symphony of success. Let the reader draw the ‘great leader’ conclusion.
  • Humor as Spice: Humor is the salt of writing – use it judiciously. Sprinkle a dash here and there to lighten the mood, but don’t turn your essay into a stand-up comedy routine. Remember, MBA admissions officers appreciate wit, not a sitcom script.

3. The Language Ballet

  • Avoid Jargon Jiu-Jitsu: MBA essays are not a showcase for your command of buzzwords. Resist the temptation to jiu-jitsu jargon into every sentence. Clear communication trumps the obfuscation of jargon.
  • The Power of Verbs: Verbs are the superheroes of language. Instead of saying you ‘worked’ on a project, say you ‘orchestrated’ it. Verbs inject life into your narrative, turning mundane tasks into epic adventures.
  • Brevity Is Brilliance: Your word count is precious real estate. Like a savvy real estate mogul, use it wisely. Cut the fluff, eradicate redundancy, and trim excess words like a bonsai master shaping a tree.

4. Addressing the Red Flags

  • The Not-So-Stellar GPA: If your academic record resembles a rollercoaster, address it. Admissions officers appreciate honesty. Acknowledge the dips, but focus on the upward trajectory. Turn that rollercoaster into a rocket headed for the stars.
  • Employment Gaps: Gaps in your career journey are not black holes. Shine a light on what you did during those periods. Did you launch a passion project? Dive into a new skill? Explain how these experiences enriched your overall narrative.

5. Editing and Feedback

  • The First Draft is Not the Final Draft: Writing is rewriting. Your first draft is the rough marble block; editing is the sculptor’s chisel. Polish every sentence until it gleams. The goal is not verbosity but eloquence.
  • Fresh Eyes are Eagle Eyes: Your brain is a trickster; it knows what you meant to write, not what you actually wrote. Enlist the help of fresh eyes – friends, family, mentors. They’ll catch the typos, the awkward phrases, and the sentences that lost their way in the dark.

6. The Closing Act

  • The Resonant Conclusion: Your conclusion is not the time to introduce new characters or plot twists. Bring the narrative full circle. End with a bang, leaving the reader with a lingering echo of your story.
  • The Power of Proofreading: Typos are the gatecrashers of your essay party. Read your essay backward, use grammar-check tools, and have an English-savvy friend give it a final once-over. A pristine essay is a confident essay.

A Final Word

Crafting your MBA essays is not a solitary trek; it’s a collaborative dance between you, your story, and your reader. Guide the admissions committee through the ebbs and flows of your narrative like a symphony conductor. Let your personality shine through, for in MBA admissions, authenticity is the ultimate currency.

Remember Churchill’s wisdom: success is not a final destination; failure is not a roadblock. The courage to continue, to write your narrative boldly, is what truly counts in the grand stage of MBA admissions. So, dear essay-writer, take up your pen, illuminate the dark corners of your story, and let the journey begin. May your essays be as captivating as a gripping novel, as persuasive as a seasoned lawyer, and as authentic as the laughter of a true friend. Godspeed!


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