Thinking of teaming up across different platforms in Sea of Thieves?

Need clarity on Sea of Thieves’s Cross Platform support?

Here’s a detailed dive into Sea of Thieves’s Cross Platform functionalities.

Sea of Thieves: Cross-Platform Support

Yes, Sea of Thieves offers cross-platform support. This innovative feature bridges the gap between Xbox and Windows 10 players, allowing them to unite for memorable gaming experiences. They can join hands, embark on thrilling adventures, complete challenging quests, and fend off rival pirates together.

The beauty of this feature is its seamless integration, making sure that camaraderie remains the focus. Players don’t need to worry about additional setup or configurations as cross-play is activated by default.

When Did Sea of Thieves Introduce Crossplay?

Sea of Thieves was ahead of the curve when it introduced cross-play functionality soon after its initial release. By doing so, the developers signaled a commitment to creating a unified and inclusive gaming community.

This move wasn’t just a technical update; it was a statement that the joy of gaming should transcend platform boundaries.

It also reflected the developers’ keen understanding of modern gamers’ desires and their push towards more connected gaming experiences.

Sea of Thieves: Xbox One and PS4/PS5 Crossplay Dynamics

While Xbox and Windows 10 players have been enjoying the perks of crossplay in Sea of Thieves, PS4/PS5 users have been waiting in the wings. As of 2023, there’s no direct support for crossplay between these platforms.

The game primarily caters to the Xbox and PC audience, and it remains to be seen if and when PlayStation players will be included in this pirate adventure.

PS4 vs PS5 Crossplay in Sea of Thieves: What to Expect?

Given the game’s current unavailability on PlayStation platforms, there’s naturally no crossplay between PS4 and PS5. The community remains hopeful and anticipates that the developers might expand their horizons.

While nothing is set in stone, players are eager for announcements hinting at Sea of Thieves sailing onto PlayStation shores.

PC to PS4/PS5 in Sea of Thieves: Crossplay Insights

Sea of Thieves’ absence from PlayStation means crossplay between PC and PS4/PS5 is currently a distant dream. However, the passionate Sea of Thieves community is known for its optimism.

They hold onto the hope that one day, the game will embrace an even larger player base by integrating PlayStation users into its rich crossplay ecosystem.

PC to Xbox One in Sea of Thieves: Crossplay Analysis

The partnership between PC and Xbox One gamers in Sea of Thieves is truly commendable. It’s not just about platform integration; it’s about creating a unified world where boundaries vanish.

Players from both platforms can set sail, hunt for treasures, and engage in epic sea battles without any hindrance. They inhabit the same virtual spaces, share the same servers, and most importantly, share the same adventures, making it a benchmark for other games to follow.

Sea of Thieves: Cross-Generational Play and Cross-Progression

Sea of Thieves goes beyond traditional crossplay. The game ensures that generational gaps don’t hinder the gaming experience.

Players using Xbox One can easily play alongside those on the Xbox Series X. And in a world where players often switch platforms, Sea of Thieves shines again by supporting cross-progression. This means a player’s progress, achievements, and loot remain intact, no matter which platform they choose next.


  • Sea of Thieves champions crossplay between Xbox and Windows 10.
  • Its commitment ensures a harmonious experience across platforms.
  • PS4/PS5 players are currently waiting for their turn to join the crossplay brigade.
  • The game’s cross-generational play and cross-progression features further enhance the overall player experience.


Is Sea of Thieves crossplay between Xbox and PC?

Yes, Sea of Thieves offers a robust crossplay system between Xbox and Windows 10 platforms.

Can I play Sea of Thieves with friends on different platforms?

Absolutely! If you’re on Windows 10 and your friend is on Xbox (or vice versa), you can certainly team up and set sail together in Sea of Thieves.

Are there any known issues with cross-play in Sea of Thieves?

As of 2023, Sea of Thieves’ cross-play feature has been quite stable. Players across platforms can share the same servers without reporting significant issues or disruptions.

Will Sea of Thieves ever support PS4/PS5 crossplay?

While the developers have not made any official announcements, the gaming community remains hopeful for future updates or expansions that might incorporate PlayStation platforms.

Do I need separate accounts for playing on different platforms?

No, Sea of Thieves supports cross-progression. This ensures that your game progress, treasures, and achievements are accessible regardless of the platform you’re playing on.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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