Thinking of teaming up across different platforms in FIFA 22?

Need clarity on FIFA 22’s cross platform support?

Here’s a detailed dive into FIFA 22’s cross platform functionalities.

FIFA 22: Cross Platform Support

As of the latest update, FIFA 22 has embarked on the cross-platform journey, albeit with some limitations. The cross-play functionality was tested and has now been activated.

The integration appears to be seamless with players from different platforms able to engage in matches without noticeable hitches. Moreover, this new feature enhances social interactions and offers a more competitive play.

However, it’s essential to note that this cross-platform feature is only available among PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia users.

When Did FIFA 22 Introduce Crossplay?

The cross-play test functionality in FIFA 22 went live in 2023, marking a monumental shift in the way players interact. This was a significant step towards fostering a more inclusive gaming community, breaking barriers.

This move has been largely welcomed by the gaming community, as it symbolizes the future direction of multiplayer gaming.

FIFA 22: Xbox One and PS4/PS5 Crossplay Dynamics

The current crossplay functionality does not extend to Xbox One and PS4, focusing more on the next-gen consoles. This limitation could be due to technical constraints that hinder a smooth gaming experience.

Next-gen consoles, such as PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, offer better performance, superior graphics, and reduced latency, which is crucial for competitive gameplay. As such, it makes sense that EA would first focus on these platforms.

PS4 vs PS5 Crossplay in FIFA 22: What to Expect?

For now, cross-play in FIFA 22 does not facilitate interactions between PS4 and PS5. This is likely due to ensuring consistent gameplay quality across all participants.

With the PS5 offering enhanced capabilities over its predecessor, including faster load times and ray tracing, EA may be cautious in offering cross-play between these two platforms to ensure that all players have a fair and enjoyable experience.

PC to PS4/PS5 in FIFA 22: Crossplay Insights

PC players have been left out of the cross-play functionality in FIFA 22. The exact reasons remain speculative; however, it might be attributed to concerns regarding game balance and potential exploits.

Given the flexibility and capabilities of PC gaming, EA might be working on refining the cross-play experience to make it fair and balanced for all players.

PC to Xbox One in FIFA 22: Crossplay Analysis

Just like the situation with PS4 and PC, cross-play between PC and Xbox One is not supported. This restriction further emphasizes the game developer’s current focus on the next-gen console experience. Nevertheless, there’s hope that EA might address these limitations in future updates or subsequent game releases.

FIFA 22: Cross-Generational Play and Cross-Progression

Cross-generational play and cross-progression are features eagerly anticipated by the gaming community. These would allow players to continue their progress on different consoles and enjoy the game with friends regardless of the platform generation.

However, as of now, the primary focus seems to be on establishing cross-play among next-gen consoles. Both cross-generational play and cross-progression represent potential future updates that could further unify and enhance the gaming experience.


  • FIFA 22’s commitment to cross-play is a testament to the changing dynamics of the gaming industry, emphasizing unity and inclusivity.
  • While the current cross-play support is limited to PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia, the foundation has been laid for future expansions.
  • Yet, the exclusion of certain platforms serves as a reminder that the journey towards a fully cross-platform gaming environment is still underway.


Is FIFA 22 cross-play supported between PC and consoles?

No, FIFA 22 does not support cross-play between PC and consoles as of now.

When was cross-play introduced in FIFA 22?

Cross-play was introduced in FIFA 22 in 2023.

Which platforms support FIFA 22 cross-play?

FIFA 22 supports cross-play between PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia.

Is there a possibility for FIFA 22 to support cross-generational play in the future?

As of now, EA has not provided official statements regarding cross-generational play for FIFA 22. However, given the demand and the progression of technology, it remains a possibility for future updates.

Why are certain platforms excluded from FIFA 22’s cross-play feature?

The exact reasons for exclusion remain speculative. However, it could be due to technical constraints, efforts to maintain gameplay quality, or concerns over potential game exploits and balance.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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