Thinking of teaming up across different platforms in civ 6?

Need clarity on civ 6’s cross-platform support?

Here’s a detailed dive into civ 6’s cross-platform functionalities.


Civ 6: Cross-Platform Support

Civilization 6, commonly referred to as Civ 6, is a strategy game loved by many worldwide. As of 2023, the game has enhanced its appeal with cross-platform support. Players on PC, Switch, iOS, and Xbox One can now collaborate and compete using cloud saves.

This feature has significantly broadened the game’s audience, allowing more players to enjoy the game in unison. It’s essential to understand, however, that not every platform can access the crossplay feature.

When Did Civ 6 Introduce Crossplay?

As an attempt to make the game more accessible and appealing to its vast audience, civ 6 rolled out crossplay functionality along with cloud save features.

While different platforms saw this feature introduced at different times, the overarching goal was consistent: to broaden the player base and offer more flexible gameplay options. The introduction of crossplay was indeed a game-changer, fostering a sense of community and inclusiveness among its players.

Civ 6: Xbox One and PS4/PS5 Crossplay Dynamics

Currently, civ 6 enables cross-platform play for Xbox One players, allowing them to interact with gamers on platforms like PC, Switch, and iOS. Regrettably, PS4 and PS5 platforms have been left out of this crossplay party.

While Xbox One aficionados can enjoy games with friends across different platforms, PlayStation loyalists are restricted to interactions within their PlayStation network.

PS4 vs PS5 Crossplay in Civ 6: What to Expect?

At present, crossplay between PS4 and PS5 for Civ 6 remains a distant dream. Players on these platforms continue to be isolated in their gameplay experiences.

With no current infrastructure for cross-generational play within the PlayStation world for Civ 6, players eagerly await any announcement from the developers about this potential feature.

PC to PS4/PS5 in Civ 6: Crossplay Insights

The demand for cross-platform play between PC and PlayStation platforms has been escalating. Yet, civ 6 has not been accommodating in this regard. The lack of crossplay between PC and PS4/PS5 has garnered quite some attention, especially when we consider that PC enjoys such compatibility with several other platforms.

PC to Xbox One in Civ 6: Crossplay Analysis

The bond between PC and Xbox One players in Civ 6 is strengthened thanks to crossplay support. This feature has paved the way for enhanced gaming experiences, enabling players from these platforms to either collaborate or compete, creating a diverse gaming environment.

Civ 6: Cross-Generational Play and Cross-Progression

While crossplay is undoubtedly a significant facet of the game, civ 6 also gives due importance to cross-generational play and cross-progression. Cloud saves play a pivotal role here. They ensure that players can effortlessly switch between supported platforms without losing any game progress.

This approach resonates with today’s fast-paced world, ensuring convenience and flexibility. Yet, it’s pivotal to highlight the unavailability of cross-generational play within PlayStation platforms, which might disappoint some fans.


  • civ 6 provides cross-platform support for several platforms, including PC, Switch, iOS, and Xbox One.
  • PlayStation platforms, namely PS4 and PS5, are yet to experience crossplay in Civ 6.
  • The inclusion of cloud saves ensures uninterrupted cross-progression across different platforms.


Is Civ 6 cross-platform for PS4 and PS5?

As of the latest updates in 2023, civ 6 does not extend its crossplay support to the PS4 and PS5 platforms, neither within nor outside the PlayStation ecosystem.

How can I overcome the multiplayer joining challenge on Steam for Civ 6?

Steam users, at times, have encountered difficulties with the Unified PC Play feature. This issue was predominantly resolved by integrating the Amazon Root CA 1 certificate into their computer’s array of trusted certificates.

Can I initiate my game on PC and then switch to the Switch for Civ 6?

Absolutely! The cloud save functionality allows players to begin their game on the PC and then transition smoothly to the Switch or other supported platforms, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay.

Why is PlayStation not supporting crossplay for Civ 6?

Exact details about PlayStation’s decision to abstain from supporting crossplay for Civ 6 remain confined to the developers and PlayStation. Regardless, the global community of players continues to be optimistic about future updates.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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