Are you in the middle of playing Skyrim VR but don’t know how to wait?

Let us help you with that.

How to Wait In Skyrim VR?

With its motion controllers, Skyrim VR lets you play without using any buttons at all.

  • On Oculus Rift: Hold down the Y button
  • On HTC Vive: Press the left menu button
  • On PSVR: When you press the start button.

Best Mods For Skyrim VR

Skyrim VR is an amazing game, but most people agree that mods enhance the overall experience.

We’ve added some new mods to our Skyrim VR modding guide to give you an idea of which ones might be right for you.


Add-in VR Interaction is the first thing you need to do, and HIGG’s Mod does this perfectly. It enhances Skyrim so much that you could, theoretically be a happy chappie if you just run this mod.

Firstly, and most importantly, HIGGS allows collisions with almost anything. You can interact with signs with your hands, and stab things with your weapon, and this alone makes the game feel more immersive—like you’re part of the world.

With this update, HIGGS allows you to wield two-handed weapons with almost any type of melee attack, pick up objects with both hands, and fix some bugs in the original version of the base title. Excellent modification.


PLANCK is just as important as HIGGS because of its commitment to making sure that everything feels like it’s being affected by your actions.

Where HIGGS mostly focused on world creation, PLANCK is better suited for combat. In Skyrim VR, your weapons do not interact with enemies, and the slower you swing, the slower they fall. It’s the best way to handle VR combat and it doesn’t damage the overall game much.

Enter PLANCK (PLANck). This modification allows players to experience the game in virtual reality. We can not explain how it works, but we know that we will never play the game without this modification ever again. A must-have!


Immersion is the most important aspect of any VR experience, and VIRK is one of the best mods for achieving that immersion. It lets players move their arms freely, which makes gameplay seem infinitely more real.

You can also sheathe multiple weapons on different body parts while having them be fully visi­ble as well, allowing for quick weapon switch­ing without the need for frequent menus.


With a standard controller, navigating through menus is easier because there aren’t any physical limitations. However, using a standard controller makes things feel less immersive.

SkyUI streamlines the deep menus perfectly for both normal and VR Skyrim, and they’re difficult to go back from once you’ve used them. With it, you can quickly select, equip, and figure out the value of your items.

Locational Damage

Virtual reality is all about making games as immersive as technologically possible. One of the best-modded games for this is Skyrim VR, which allows you to play Skyrim with the addition of several combat-oriented modifications.

One of these is Locational Damage, a mod that lets you deal damage depending on where you strike an enemy.

It means that hitting the face with an arrow or cutting off someone’s head with a blade does more harm than other parts of the body, making the game harder for players to survive.


We’re really happy to see that we’ve been able to add some fun new features to Skyrim VR. One of them is allowing players to wield their own custom-made spell blade.

You cast any magic in the game, then pick up any one-handed melee weapons in the game, and finally grab the blade. Then, you infuse that melee weapon with the magic of your choice, letting you use a flaming battleaxe or lightning-charged longsword.

It doesn’t dramatically change how the games are played, but it looks fantastic and feels fantastic, so now more people can play D&D and enjoy it without having to worry about spells.

How to Wait in Skyrim VR?

Skyrim 2017 Textures

We are not sure what it is about these new Skyrim 2017 texture packs, but they just make everything look better. They really do.

Insects Begone

Translating Skyrim into VR is already a tall task, but making it even taller by replacing every single spider enemy with a bear would be an absolute nightmare. Fortunately, the modders out there have a simple solution for that problem: replace every single spider enemy with bears.

If you’re not afraid of bears, you won’t ever have to experience another panic attack when exploring caves again.

Dragonborn Speaks Naturally

Quite possibly the coolest mod on this list, Dragonborn Speaks Naturally allows you to say the dialogue options in the game to select them. This might not seem like a huge deal, and for some, they might honestly prefer selecting them the old-school way.

Flora Overhaul

Like the Skyrim 2017 Textures Mod, the Floral Overhaul mod makes every plant in Skyrim look better and reacts more realistically to the environment than before.

It also improves the loading time for some of the plant models, allowing you to see the models from a bit further away without having to wait for the game to load. However, be aware that this mod can have a significant effect on your computer’s performance.

Audiobooks Of Skyrim

Elder Scrolls video game series are famous for their extensive dialogues and lots of side quests. Most of these come in the form of various novels. In Skyrim, there’re over 300 novels to read, with some being quite long.

Most gamers don’t start playing a game just to read through a novel, so audiobooks of Skyrim are an excellent tool for soaking up as much of Skyrim’s lore as possible. You can pause them whenever you want and they’re perfect for listening to while you play.

Realistic Water Two

The water in Skyrim looks really nice in my eyes, but this modification makes it look even better.

Realistic Water 2 adds better water flows, animations, LOD distances, particles, color options (including rainbow), rain rippling, and a bunch of new sounds. Water was always something that amazed me in VR, but it doesn’t get any better than this.

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Even though the lighting got a major upgrade in the Skyrim Special Edition (Skyrim SE), there are still some places where you might be scratching your head.

Realistic Lighting Over­haul greatly improves the lighting system without impacting performance at all. There are no fake light source effects anywhere.


If you want to enjoy Skyrim VR, you need to start off with the right mods. These ten mods are the ones everyone needs to have installed before playing Skyrim VR, and they’ll ensure you have a great time.

We hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions feel free to comment below


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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