People often ask,  how to use VR without a gyroscope.

Let’s find out!

How to Use VR Without Gyroscope?

To use a gyroscope without VR, you need to have the gyroscope in your phone and then connect it to the computer via a USB cable. Then open up the program called “Gyroscope” (it’s free) on your computer and set the sensitivity of the gyroscope to 0.0f.

Now when you move your head around, the gyroscope will detect that movement and send data to the computer. The computer can then translate this into an image or video You can also do things like tilt your head left/right and see what happens.

How to Emulate a Gyroscope?

A gyro­scope is what enables the user to experience the full 360-degree spherical view in a VR world. If your smartphone doesn’t have one, however, there are still some apps available that will allow you to use them. These apps are suitable for smartphones without a gyro­scope.

The gyroscopes and accelerometers in a smartphone are what are used to determine its orientation when moving around; they allow you to rotate your head and body so that you can see a wider range of the virtual reality world from different angles.

VirtualSense, as discussed earlier, was an Xposed module that helped to create a virtual gyroscopic for Android phones. The method it used to do so was by enlisting the power from the accelerometers and the compasses.

The only downside to having VirtualSense enabled was that some of the sensors’ data was being taken from other sources in the Android Sensors Manager and this data would not be affected by the Virtual Sense. However, it was still said to function with most virtual sense apps.

VR Bowl

VR Bowl is a multiplayer online video gaming application that can be played using VR headsets and also on smartphones that don’t include a gyro sensor. You just need to look at where you’d like to go in order to get there. It doesn’t require any special equipment.

It uses a Fibrum SDK, there are four free levels of play, and no ads to distract you from playing. Instead of employing a gyroscope, this app uses the phone’s magnetometer.

AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS

The Cinema Cardboard app supports Android devices running version 6.0 or later. The screen resolution is set to “distortion corrected” and the app uses its own cardboard device settings for distortion corrections.

You must also be using a Google Cardboard or similar compatible VR headset.

The app has a 180-degree virtual view, 180 degrees of head tracking, side-by-side stereo in 180-degree virtual space, and the graphics option allows low-performance device users to watch video content.

Gravity VR Practice

The Gravity VR Practice doesn’t need a gyro sensor. You can play the game without one. However, if you want to get the best experience, you may want to use a gyro sensor.

You can play most of the games created by Gravity VR Practice without using a gyroscope. These include VR Aquadrome Race, VR Blockbuster attraction, West VR shooter, Zombie Shooter VR, Curler coaster VR Attraction, and others.

Tuscany VR

Tuscany VR offers an easy way to get started without having to buy expensive equipment. You can download it for free from Amazon Digital Services LLC.

The only requirements for playing this game are that the app is allowed access to the camera on your phone. It is a virtual-realty game that almost any smartphone could play.

Usually, only high-quality smartphones with sensors are compatible with most virtual-realty games. This app offers a cheap way to experience the virtual-realty world. You’ll need a controller or gamepad to move, and you can rotate your head to look around.

The Tuscany app is compatible with Google Cardboard, Curovis Dive (CVD), Cmoar, FreeFly, and other head-mounted displays.

What Is Google Cardboard?

Google Cardboard is an inexpensive way to experience virtual reality. It was created to encourage people to use VR apps.

Google has given people the option of making their own virtual reality viewers by using inexpensive material, in this case, paper. They also had ready-made models available for purchase.

The viewers included focal lengths, magnets or capacitive tapes, a hook, and an eyelet. However, a large number of Google apps would not function without a gyroscopic motion detector.

Virtual Sensor

A virtual sensor is an algorithm that calculates a number such as a sensory measurement so that it cannot be physically measured by a physical device for various reasons. It is meant to simulate a gyro sensor. If you want a virtual reality game or a virtual reality film on your mobile device, then you should first check whether your device has a gyro sensor or not.

A software engineer created an app that tracks your phone and apps into believing that the device has a real gyroscope sensor. It works by using the phone’s built-in sensors (accelerometer and compass) to simulate a gyroscope.

If you want to use the Gyroscope feature, you need to install the Gyroscope app for Android. It’s free to get.

You can see if your device has a gyroscope by checking whether there’s an icon for the Gyroscope app in your apps list. If not, then you don’t have one. If so, then you do.

To install Virtual Sensor (VIRTUAL SENSOR), you need a rooted Android device, and the Xposed framework, and you will have to enable ‘Unknown Sources’ in your security settings so you can install the Virtual Sensor.

Then you will search for the VIRTUAL SENSOR in the Xposed Installers app and finally, you will install it.

Once you’ve followed the instructions above, you don’t need to do anything else on your end. You can use any app for Google Cardboard right away, including other VR applications, and they will now work on your phone, even if you don’t have a gyroscope sensor installed.

If you encounter any difficulties when installing the Virtual Sensor, check if your settings are correct, whether you’ve rebooted your smartphone after installing the app, and whether your particular Android device blocks root access for security reasons.

Before downloading anything to your smartphone, it is always important to ensure that you’re getting the information from a reputable site. You can often get useful tips and advice from online forums and comment sections.

These can also help you if you run into any problems during the process. Most websites will be able to provide answers to any questions you might have during the download and installation of Virtual Sensor.


To get started with virtual reality, you first need to purchase a VR device like Google Cardboard. After doing so, you can begin using the various applications available for virtual reality.

You can also use the Samsung Gear VR, which is more expensive than the cardboard version.

We hope that this article was helpful. If you have nay queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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