Having a hard time using VR with glasses.

Let us help you with that.

How to Use VR with Glasses?

Clip-in lens systems are inexpensive ($100-$200) and simply attach to the front of the user’s headgear (e.g., Oculus Rift).

With these types of systems, users avoid the possibility of scratching the headsets themselves or the eyewear they wear.

Do You Need to Wear Glasses with VR?

The answer varies depending on many different factors which will be explored in this guide.


Most people who use VR headsets report that they can see better when wearing them.

There is no explicit consensus on the HTC Vive’s Focal length but most people assume it to be somewhere between 1.4m and infinity while the focal length of Oculus’ screen is 2 meters.

(We’re sorry to say that manufacturers don’t want to share much information on this.)

If you can see through those distances, then you can probably get away with using most mainstream VR headsets without any trouble at all. However, we do recommend taking frequent short rests so that you don’t strain your eyes too much.


You may not be able to use VR without wearing eyeglasses, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give it a shot.

Many users who frequent online communities around the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift say that for short-sighted people, it now comes down to their prescription.


Many users report that they can watch VR content without experiencing any loss of detail or eye strain when using a negative power lens.

Because for example, the Oculus Rift has a resolution of 1280×800 pixels per eye, which means its visual acuities are approximately 23/100. If someone has a prescription of -1, their visual acuity would be 20/100.


For users with a vision correction of -2.00 (or worse), most people report that they’re still able to use VR devices, but almost half the things that everyone else sees have disappeared.

While this doesn’t mean VR isn’t playable or enjoyable, it is not putting you into the best of situations.


If you’re going to use VR without wearing prescription lenses, you may want to think twice before doing so.

A score above -3.00 indicates that the experience was enjoyable enough for you to want to repeat it again. However, if the experience scored lower than -3.00, then you probably won’t enjoy it as much next time.

Warnings and Considerations

  • We would like to assure you that everything we’ve written in this article is completely scientifically accurate.

However, most of the recommendations we’ve given here are derived from other people’s experiences and so may not always be entirely accurate.

  • When you start to feel your eyes becoming tired or straining, it is best to stop whatever you’re doing and take a short pause to allow your eyes to relax.
  • If your prescriptions are close to the edge of what users report, then you might want to consider buying a VR head­set that works well with glasses or seek out alternatives such as using the prescription lens for an already purchased VR head­set.

Prescription VR Lenses

Here’s an idea for you: You can take off your glasses and wear a VR prescription lens or a lens adapter in your headgear so you can still clearly view things.

We recommend the aptly named VR LensLab, which was created by VR Cover Gauss Eyeware and WidmoVR.

Importance Of Comfort When Wearing A Virtual Reality Headset

Comfort is important for learning, especially with VR technologies. An immersive VR experience provides a unique learning environment that some people may not be used to.

With a VR head­set, learners who wear glasses may be bothered by the weight of the hardware. They may also suffer from any of the following feelings:

  • Extra pressure on a learner’s face
  • The heavy weight of the headset on their head
  • Feeling disoriented when they’re deprived of sensory input for too long
  • Due to the bright lights in the program, eye strains occur.

The main area of discomfort that could occur stems from the size of the headphones.

Some headsets have larger clearances than others, indicating the distance between the lens on the headphones and the lens on the glasses of the user.

If you wear thick plastic framed eyeglasses, you may experience discomfort when wearing a headset. Fortunately, there are ways to improve the fit and comfort of your headset.

Tips For A Clear Virtual Reality Experience When Wearing Glasses

Make Sure Your Glasses Are Clean

To keep your VR headset lenses clean, just wipe them down with a soft cloth before jumping into your VR experience.

Position Your Glasses Correctly on Your Face

Make sure your eyeglasses are sitting properly on your eyes in their normal position. Check to see if they’re not crooked or too far forward or back.

Position the Headset So Your Glasses Lenses and Headset Lenses Are Touching

To ensure that learners don’t end up with distorted or blurred images when using VR headsets, they should be careful not to leave any gaps between their eyes and the lenses of the headsets.

Adjust Your Headset’s Pupillary Distance to Align with Your Lenses

With a VR head­set, you can actually adjust the lens separation so that they’re aligned with each other. This makes it easier for you to see through both sets of eyes at once.


If you wear eyeglasses, you’ll want to be careful when using VR headsets because they may cause discomfort.

When wearing a VR head­set with glasses on, there are many factors to consider.

It is important to keep in mind that the lens on the glasses and the lens on the headset must be aligned correctly. If they aren’t, you may see blurry images or distorted ones.

You should also be aware of which type of lenses you have on the frames of your eyeglasses. Some lenses are designed for use with specific kinds of VR headset.

Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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