Do you want to know how to run room setup steam VR?

Read this article to find out.

How to Run Room Setup Steam VR?

  1. Open the SteamVR application from your computer.
  2. Choose Room Setup > Room-size.
  3. Follow the prompts and instructions to complete the task.

SteamVR Quick Start

Instructions for setting up and deploying VR projects using SteamVR

Select an operating system (OS) for your computer: Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

SteamVR Initial Setup

Now we will look at how to get SteamVR set up so that it works with Unreal Engine 4.

Make sure that the HTC Vive headset, Steam controller, breakout box, and Lighthouse sensors are all unpacked, turned on, connected, and set up according to the instructions provided by Valve.

Install the Steam client on your development PC.

Install SteamVR Tools

  1. To install the SteamVR tools, go to the Steam library, then select Tools.
  2. To begin, open the Steam client by going into the Games tab, typing “Steam” into the search bar, and clicking on Steam from the results. Then, double-click on Steam to download and install it.
  3. Click here for the full image.
  4. If you want to install SteamVR, go into the Steam application and click on the “Steam VR” button that is found in its upper right corner. Follow the steps provided by Valve.
  5. Click on the SteamVR option from the Tools menu to open up the SteamVR tools.

If SteamVR shows all connected VR headsets in Green, then everything is working correctly.

If a headset appears grey, then there may be an issue with that particular device. Hovering your pointer over it will show you any errors associated with that headset.

SteamVR Interaction Area

You need to create an interactive area before using SteamVR with Unreal Engine 4.

To run the room setup, go to the SteamVR icon in your system tray and then select the Run Room setup button from the dropdown menu on the right side of the screen. Follow the on-screen directions to configure the Steam VR interface.

End Result

After installing SteamVR, you’ll then be able to use it within Unreal Engine 4.

Setting Up UE4 to Work with SteamVR

Let’s take a look at how to set up an Unreal Engine 4 project for VR development.


If you haven’t done so already, make sure to create a SteamVR room for your project. Otherwise, SteamVR and Unreal Engine might not be able to communicate properly.

To start a new game, go to the Games tab, click Blank, and follow these instructions:

  • Blueprint: enabled
  • Scalable 3D or 2D: enabled
  • Mobile/Tablet: Enabled
  • No Starter Content: enabled

Once the project has loaded, select the VR view option from the dropdown menu.

End Result

Once the VR demo launches put on your headset and you should now be able to view the basic level.

You should be able to turn your head in any direction like in the following videos

Adding Items

Now you can include SteamVR support for UnrealEngine4 projects by adding the following components to your project.

Migrate Tool

To migrate content from one of our example projects into your own, you first must download the Migrate tool.

Motion Controllers

Make sure that VR headsets allow users to use them just like they would in real life.

GPU Profiler

Use the GPU profiller to help track your app’s overall performance while you’re working on it.

SteamVR Tracking

With SteamVR Tracking, you can use any Varjo VR headset. If you want to use another type of headset, see our list of available tracking devices.

Positional Tracking for Your Headset

With Varjo‘s VR headset, you can track your movement in the real world and the virtual one. This allows apps to sync up your actions in the two different environments.

With Varjo headsets you can use SteamVR, which needs up to four SteamVR bases to track your headset. Controllers can be tracked as well.

Set up SteamVR Tracking

To begin, follow these steps to configure Valve’s Steam VR tracking system. First, you’ll need to start configuring in Varjo Base and connect your headset.

Step 1

Install the SteamVR app

Step 2: Prepare Your Environment to Use the Headset Safely

Make sure there aren’t any objects near where you’re going to wear the headset that could cause harm if they fell onto you.

You should always cover all reflective surfaces because they might interfere with tracking. Also, make sure that you have good light in the environment where you’re using the headset.

Step 3: Choose the Positions for the Base Stations

Either version of SteamVR™ Base Stations works fine.

Step 4: Mount the Base Stations

Mount the base station at a minimum height of two meters (six feet), and angle them downward by thirty to forty-five degrees. Make sure they have a direct line of site with the headset, even if you’re walking around the room.

You can use either the wall-mounting kits (which come in the package) or tripods (which aren’t included).

Step 5: Plug in the Base Stations

There are two different types of power plugs included in the package. If you need an adaptor, use one of these.

Step 6: Set the Channels for Your Base Stations

1 base station = a

Step 7: Check the Tracking Status in Varjo Base

Make sure that the front of the head tracker is facing directly towards the bases and that there isn’t any cover between the front of the head trackers and the bases.

Step 8: Configure the Headset and Base Stations

You will need to perform a quick setup when you use your Varjo VR Headsets for the first time in an unfamiliar environment.

If you want to use your wireless headphones every day, perform these steps before moving them from one place to another or when changing their position.

Step 9: Pair Your Controller(s)

With your current VR headsets, you can use any SteamVR-compatible controllers, including the HTC Vive controllers.

Note: If you’ve already connected your controllers to another VR headset, you’ll have to pair them again with your Varjo VR headset.

Step 10: Enable the OpenVR Runtime If Prompted (Xr-3 Only)

You may be asked if you want to use the OpenVR software development kit (SDK) when installing Varjo Base. If you’ve already installed the SDK before, you may be prompted again.

If you want to use OpenVR applications, such as VR games, then enable the OpenVR runtime.

Step 11: Setup Complete SteamVR

Your tracking device has been successfully installed and is ready for use.


Once you’ve completed the instructions above, you should now know how to use SteamVR with Unreal Engine 4 projects.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by leaving a comment below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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