Minecraft is a video game that can provide you with endless entertainment and lets your imagination run wild. 

With its VR version, you can truly immerse yourself and be up and close with the things you create in the world. 

If you have a Playstation 4 or 5 console, you can experience Minecraft in glorious VR with ease.

Quick Summary

In this post, we will discuss the following: 

  • How to play Minecraft in VR on the PS4?
  • A brief review of Minecraft VR on the PS4 
  • Some frequently asked questions (FAQs) 

So without further ado, let’s get started.

How to Play Minecraft in VR on the PS4?

It goes without saying that you’ll need the entire PS VR setup to be able to play Minecraft in VR on the PS4. 

You need the following equipment to get VR running on your Playstation 4 console:

  • The PlayStation VR bundle (Make sure that it includes the headset, the processor unit, earphones, an HDMI cable, a USB cable, an AC adaptor and a power cord)
  • A Playstation 4 or Playstation 4 Pro console
  • The PlayStation Camera
  • 2 Playstation Move Controllers. These are unnecessary since you can still provide input to Minecraft VR with the Dualshock controller. However, the Move controllers allow for a more immersive experience. 

We’ve already detailed how to set up VR for the PS4 in one of our other posts. If you have not set up VR on the PS4 console before, you can go check that out to get a quick rundown of how to do so. 

Once you have the VR setup ready for your PS4, you need to buy Minecraft. 

Minecraft is easily available on the PS4. All you have to do is buy it, download it and install it onto your PS4 console. 

After buying it, you’ll notice that the version you have when you run it is the regular version. Don’t worry though, as the regular version comes with the VR version as well. You just have to enable it. 

To turn VR mode on, follow these steps: 

Step 1: Ensure that your PS VR Headset and Move controllers are on and connected to your PS4 console. 

Step 2: Launch Minecraft. 

Step 3: Press the Triangle button on either your Dualshock controller or one of your PS Move controllers to enter VR mode. 

Step 4: You’ll be provided two options: Living room mode or Immersive mode. 

You can choose either one, but you should know that both of them are super different from each other. 

Living Room Mode

Living room mode isn’t necessarily true VR mode. This is because in this mode, you’ll be able to see a simulated living room, and the game itself will be running on a screen in front of you. 

This is an experience for individuals who just want to sit back and enjoy the world of Minecraft while completely escaping their real surroundings. 

However, it’s not really immersive, and honestly, we don’t really see the point in playing Minecraft this way unless you don’t have enough space to truly use the immersive mode. 

Immersive Mode

This is the real meat-and-potatoes of the Minecraft VR mode. With the immersive mode, you are transported straight into the world of Minecraft where you are in the middle of everything. 

You can hear the distant rustling of the leaves, and the world of Minecraft opens up for you to explore. 

Minecraft VR – A Brief Review

When Minecraft VR was first released on the PC and Oculus platforms, the controls were absolutely atrocious and unimaginably janky. 

However, over the last few years, different patches and updates have smoothened out the controls. This is also true for the PS4 version, as you’ll find that the controls are super responsive and satisfying to play. 

None of the swings feel janky or clunky, and all of the movements are accurate and track precisely according to how you swing your own arms. 

Even people who’ve never played Minecraft before will get the hang of it easily. 

We want to give special props to the team who did the sound design because it is absolutely immersive and really transports you into the world. 

In addition to the sound effects and general soundscapes that the game presents you with, the soundtrack of the game is absolutely beautiful too. It portrays a peaceful and unique world that is the perfect background when you’re exploring and mining precious gems. 

VR Minecraft Seems Much More Grand

The regular version of Minecraft is often considered to be grand as it provides you with a huge world that you are free to do anything in. 

However, when you port that into VR, it becomes even grander and makes you feel extremely small, as reflected by the huge hills and landscapes you see before yourself. 

We feel this might be because in the VR version, things such as doors, windows, and general objects just feel much bigger than yourself. This makes you feel small as you explore these large, looming environments. 

The way we’ve described it may make you feel as if this version may feel foreboding or ominous, but that’s not the case at all. 

It evokes a sense of wonder and excitement. 

This is partly due to the soundtrack that accompanies the game. That and just in general, the overall tone of the game just pushes you forward and encourages you to explore its world and what can be achieved inside of it. 

We all know that Minecraft is a game that is pretty much endless, and it’s only limited by your imagination when it comes to what you can achieve inside of it. 

The VR version, in particular, really gives you the freedom to build whatever you want because you can come really up close and personal with your creations. You can study them from every angle to determine what would be the perfect way to build them. 

It feels great and really makes you engage with it more earnestly. We think it’s because being able to study your buildings from every angle really provides you with a much greater sense of control. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Where Can I Play Minecraft VR? 

Minecraft VR is available on the following platforms: 

  • Windows 10 and 11
  • Xbox
  • Mobile
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Playstation 4

Do I Need VR Controllers to Play Minecraft VR? 

No. You can still play Minecraft VR without VR controllers. You’ll just have to use a Dualshock or Xbox controller.

Is Minecraft VR Free? 

If you already own the regular version of Minecraft, you can play Minecraft VR free of charge.

Does Minecraft Have Cross-Play? 

Yes, Minecraft does indeed have cross-play. You can play together with friends who are on different platforms with ease.

Are Minecraft Accounts Permanent?

Yes, once you buy Minecraft, create a permanent account and link it with a Microsoft Secure Account (MSA), it will stay linked forever.


So that’s how you play Minecraft VR on your Playstation 4 console. 

It’s quite easy if you already have the PS VR setup. However, it’s not something you should get just for Minecraft VR. In that case, a PC VR setup would be the better choice. 

What do you use to play Minecraft VR? Let us know in the comments section below. 


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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