Having a hard time moving in VR Horror?

Let us help you with that.

How to Move In VR Horror?

You can move with the controller.

The Best VR Horror Games

Lies Beneath

Lies Beneath is an action-packed first-person shooter that combines elements from both Hunt: Showdown and Arizona Sunshine.

The vibrant comic book artwork style makes for an eerie and scary world full of monsters and mysteries. Slay one, unearth another, and you might discover the truth behind what lies beneath.

Inside the Backrooms

At first glance, it might appear that the worst part of the backroom is the off-color wallpapers.

However, the longer time you spend exploring this maze of corridors and oddities, the greater you realize there are far worse dangers lurking around every corner.

Inside the Backroom has players trying to escape from an unknown place, and solve puzzles along the way while avoiding terrifying monsters.


It’s no surprise there’d be some trouble caused by a bunch of cult members, but things get really bad when a demon breaks through.

Azazel has a strong hold on his followers, and it’s up to you as an unaffected follower of the church to put a stop to his misdeeds.

Join forces with up to three friends to fight against the evil cultist. It won’t be an easy task, but if you’re able to defeat them, they’ll become weaker and weaker.

You’ll be able to experience some pretty terrifying things when you put on a VR head­set.

Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation

It starts out as a cute romp through 1,000 rooms in a haunted house but then turns into something far more unsettling.

Even though they use cartoonish graphics, Lag Studios manages to draw an impressive amount of horror into their games. As you progress further into them, the puzzles become increasingly difficult, and the enemies start trying to murder you.

At first, it might seem like there isn’t much to see here, but trust us; the buildup is well worth it.

Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted

If there ever was a game that was designed specifically for VR, Five Nights At Freddy’s would be it. The low light, simple gameplay, and frequent scares—it’s just so perfect for VR.

And Help Wanted further establishes that with a selection of scenes and mini-games pulled from the classic Five Nights at Freddy’s series.

Affected: The Manor

Affected: The manor isn’t a game, but rather an interactive haunted attraction. It has no puzzle-solving or derangement to defeat, so progression through the experience is easy.

You may choose either route to explore the mansion and its secrets. Try to make it to the finish line.

Affected: The Manor started out as a demo for the original Oculus Rift (DK1) and was built to feature some new sound and light effects that would enhance the scares and help create an unforgettable VR scare.

Arizona Sunshine

For its wonderful title, Arizona Sunshine is actually quite gruesome and packed with decaying bodies. It’s worth adding to any VR library, even if just for the head-popping action.

The gameplay may not be as deep as games like Pavlov, but it doesn’t take away from its core value – killing monsters.

You’ll use artificial free-roaming to explore an abandoned car park and deserted building in order to scavenge for weapons, ammunition, and your way out of this virtual reality hell.

Alien: Isolation (MotherVR)

If ever there was a game that needed virtual reality compatibility, it was Alien: Isolation.

Alien: Isolation is one of the best games available for the HTC Vive, and the MotherVR Mod makes good use of its key mechanics.

You get to explore Sevastopol in greater depth thanks to virtual reality, which gives you more opportunities to appreciate its incredible level of detail.

Mother VR may not be perfect, but it’s an immersive experience that makes hiding from alien lifeforms quite a lot more intense.

A Chair in a Room: Greenwater

When thinking of religious killings, corruption, and immorality, probably a top-ranked VR horror game, right?

A Chair in a room has some heavy themes, which help to drive a pretty deep story that begins at The Greenwater Institute. As patient 6079, you’re plagued by twisted visions, likely related to the past you can’t remember.

The VR gameplay only helps immerses players in the ramshackled towns, dereliction motels, and swamps of Louisiana.

The Forest

With its terrifyingly realistic graphics and intense gameplay, The Forest is even tenser when played through VR.

As night falls, the beautiful landscape of the Spanish coast comes alive, especially when the deadly inhabitants emerge in hordes.

You may be forced to battle off cannibals when stranded in an uncharted tropical paradise, but you’re also required to gather food and other resources to survive the elements for long enough to find your child and escape the jungle.


You’d be surprised at how unsettling your own home could be. Raymond and his wife learn this firsthand in Transference, an intense psychological thriller.

Each player controls one of the three family members who must piece back together their troubled family unit.

Each member has his/her own distorted view of the others, leading to the darkest moments of Transference. There aren’t many overt scares, but you’ll begin to feel uneasy the deeper into each character’s mind you go.

The gameplay revolves around exploring and solving puzzles, so it makes sense that Transference would be an excellent VR experience for people who aren’t familiar with the medium.


There are lots of games available for virtual realities, but these are the few we think are the best. They all offer different strengths, but they’re all worth trying.

If you want to try VR before buying a headset, then there are plenty of free options out there. But if you want something that will give you an idea of what it’s like to play in VR without spending any money, then this is the list for you.

If you have any questions feel free to comment below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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