Do you love horror games?

Let’s see how scary Resident Evil 7 is.

How Scary Is Resident Evil 7 VR?

Resident Evil 7 isn’t for the faint of heart. It has scary enemies, jumpscares, and scenes so horrifying they might make your stomach turn.

Resident Evil 7: 10 Tips For Playing With PSVR

With virtual realities, you can now experience things that were previously impossible. For example, Resident Evil has started releasing some of its games for virtual realities.

Resident Evil 7:Biohazard is an extremely atmospheric game, and experiencing its world through virtual realities adds another layer of terror. Because Resident Evil 7 is already difficult enough, adding the VR element makes it even harder.

To survive in Resident Evil 7 VR for long periods of time, you need to be well-prepared with important tips and know-how about what you’re getting into.

Take A Break Every 30 Minutes

When you play Resident Evil 7 in VR, one of the most important things to remember is to take a short rest after every half an hour.

Immersive VR gaming is fun, but it’s best if you let yourself relax by taking off the headsets for a bit.

If you’re an Oculus Rift user who experiences motion sickness when playing horror games, then it might be worth taking several breaks throughout a single game. Especially since Resident Evil 7 VR is so terrifying.

Acquire The Shotgun Quickly

The gun is one of the best weapons for surviving the dangers of Resident Evil 7. It’s especially useful when fighting the game’s tough enemies.

To get the shotgun, you need to find the scorpion key in the computer lab, go to Grandma’s bedroom, and unlock the door there. Inside, you’ll find the shotgun, along with lots of other things.

Sneak Around The Map To Avoid Enemies

With VR, Resident Evil 7 has added a lot of new challenges for players, and sometimes you won’t be able to defeat enemies that are headed your way.

If you want to avoid situations like this one, the best thing to do is to sneak around enemies before you start fighting them.

Sneakiness is especially fun in VR because it adds more immersive and suspenseful elements to the mostly linear gameplay (although there are some exceptions).

You can easily get away from most of the zombies in Resident Evil 7 by sneaking around them.

Play In The Presence Of Someone Else

If you want to experience Resident Evil 7, you should definitely go ahead and buy it. But if you don’t feel comfortable playing alone, you might be able to share the game with someone else.

Since Resident Evil 7 VR is scary at times, it is best to have someone by your side who you can talk to or turn to when you start feeling uncomfortable.

Keep The Lights Turned On While Playing

If you’re playing Resident Evil 7 for the first time, you may want to turn off the lights when you put on the game because the game has some scary moments.

Because of this, it is a good practice to leave the light on at night so that you won’t trip when taking off the headset.

Find And Use Every Safe Room

You can easily get lost in Resident Evil 7 if you’re not careful.

If you’re playing a game in which you need to take breaks, then a safe room is the perfect place to go when you want to step out of VR for a bit.

You can also go into the rooms to center yourself after a tough fight against an opponent. You may want to change out your equipment and save your progress there.

Don’t Waste Ammo Unless It’s Necessary

Ammo is scarce in Resident Evil 7, so be careful not to use it up while you play the game in virtual realism. You’re more likely to shoot yourself in VR than when you play the game normally.

So, be careful not to shoot at enemies when you’re not sure you can actually kill them.

New players in Resident Evil 7 VR shouldn’t worry if they’re not familiar with the aiming mechanic and animation system before playing.

Mess Around With The Settings After First Launching The Game

You can adjust several different aspects of Resident Evil 7’s VR mode by changing its camera rotation, controller setting, and walking speed.

A lot of people who play Resident Evil 7 VR suffer from nausea when they use the default setting. However, there are several things you can change to customize your experience.

Listen For The Footsteps Of Enemies

Footsteps are an important part of the Resident Evil series, especially in the base game, where they’re used to indicate when an enemy is nearby.

However, they become even more important in Resident Evil 7 because it’s easier to miss them in VR.

If you hear the sounds of footsteps, either hide or prepare yourself for a fight because all of the enemy zombies in Resident Evil 7 are aggressive toward the players, even if they haven’t provoked them.

Make Use Of The Virtual Reality Point Of View

When you play VR video games, it is easy to overlook some of the benefits that you get from using them. For example, when you use VR, you can peek behind corners to check out an enemy without exposing yourself completely.

You don’t need to be good at shooting if you’re using a sniper rifle. Just shoot them when they come into view.


Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR is an amazing time, but if you want to survive, you should follow these suggestions and tricks.

The camera work is incredible, and the way that the game makes use of your peripheral vision is nothing short of genius.

It’s also incredibly difficult, which means that even though you might die a few times during the course of a single playthrough, you’ll still have plenty of fun doing it.

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  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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