People often ask, how long to beat Iron Man VR?

Let’s find out!

How Long to Beat Iron Man VR?

If you’re wondering how long is Ironman VR, the answer is anywhere from seven to ten full days.

The Iron Man adventure includes action-packed fights where you have access to the iconic weapons of this Armored Avenger.

You’ll also visit different locations and meet famous Marvel characters like Pepper Pots, Nick Fury, and others.

Marvel’s Iron Man VR – Review

It’s amazing how far virtual reality has come that we can spend countless hours playing video game after video game without ever feeling any motion sickness.

Marvel’s Iron Man: VR makes impressive use of Sony’s now thoroughly outdated PlayStation Move motion controller as an amusing, high-flying action game sprinkled with superheroes’ flair throughout.

While we did enjoy our time in the “Mask,” repetitive mission design and a bland storyline kept the game from ever soaring too high.

If you haven’t already guessed, Iron Man VR is an exclusive PlayStation 4 game where you play as Tony Stark himself in and outside his armor.

It means using hand-guided repulsor jets to fly through the sky while firing down robot enemies, but it also means going for walks around his lavish Malibu mansion and upgrading your armor between the missions of its single-player campaign.

Those times when Tony gets to be Tony are usually just a vehicle for storytelling and an occasional equipment upgrade, but even then they’re still a welcome break from the norm.

He has lots of interactive toys like books, edible food items, and even a functional video game arcade.

They’re simple gimmicky things that allow you to experience life from Tony’s perspective, but they don’t go into detail enough for them to be worth more than just a quick look if this isn’t your initial foray into VR.

Iron Man VR tells the story of Tony Stark struggling with the consequences of his past life as an arms dealer, this time while up against the supervillain Ghost.

Despite its entertainment value, the plot here is predictable and lacks depth due to the blunt presentation.

It’s the opposite of the phrase “show, don’t say,” which relies heavily on expository dialogue interspersed with long periods of silence during which the player simply stands there listening to Tony talk.

The movie didn’t move me emotionally because it was too short. It felt like there was no time for anything emotional to happen.

Falling With Style

Fortunately, you aren’t really there to play Tony Stark; you’re there to play Iron Man. And in the superhero category, Iron Man VR delivers.

Every mission is basically an aerial dogfight with different objectives like defusing bombs, protecting a target, etc., but Iron Man isn’t really a fighter plane, and he doesn’t fight like one.

Instead of using familiar analog controls, pressing buttons will activate your hands’ repulsor technology and push you away from wherever your palms face.

You’ll be able to move forwards, backward, downwards, upwards, leftwards, rightwards, diagonally, or horizontally.

It was easy for me to move quickly and easily through the terrain because of the way the system worked.

You’re not moving at top speed during a fight, but you’re not bound by forward momentum like an airplane either, so you’re agile.

It feels so good when you see an enemy charging up an assault, flick your hands backward to boost past them, then blast them to pieces from behind.

It’s good that it’s enjoyable because you’ll be able to perform these moves a lot. There are just six basic enemy types in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Battlefront (all different robots), but they make you play in ways that go beyond just simply aiming and firing.

One enemy is easy enough to defeat but will leave others untouched unless you hit them when they’re vulnerable. Another is hard to beat until you manage to get past their defenses and then unleash an overwhelming force against them.

A hover tank enemy will also harass you with destructible missiles from the ground, encouraging you to use a powerful Rocket Punch to slam it from above.

Iron Man VR has an issue with reusing content. Not just in terms of enemies, but also in terms of locations and bosses.

Some missions blend together because they take place in the same location, with only mid-mission objectives and a bit of narrative to differentiate between them.

Those objectives allow for some cool moments when you fly through buildings or stop bombs, but the battles between those pieces of flavor will feel pretty similar no matter where you play them.

A post-missions result screen gives players an incentive to replay missions by offering them a score-based challenge, but we never found ourselves wanting to play through a level again once we had beaten it.

Completing missions on maps for the first time unlocks special combat challenges and races (and even free-fly mode), which are slightly more compelling reasons to return than when they’re reused as generic backdrops.

Races in particular can be a blast because they require you to use your agility to get through obstacles and avoid enemies.

Cruising Altitude

Completing both optional tasks and main quests will give you research points that you can use to customize your suit. However, this customization is disappointing because it’s static.

Most upgrades are available immediately at the same low price, and most of them don’t offer any objectively better improvements.

That means the selection for auxiliary weapons, like different kinds of missiles, and system improvements, such as whether to recover health or ammunition faster, comes down entirely up to personal preference.

On the one hand, though, that rule means that you can quickly test out different load-outs without having to spend time making them yourself.

We eventually settled on the slower-charging repulsor blast for dealing big damage, but we used arm-mounted machine gun turrets when we wanted to quickly spray some damage.

On one side, this system means that progress is virtually non-existent. Once you purchase what you want, further improvements are useless because nothing will make you stronger.

It means we didn’t care about upgrading our game until after we’d already beaten the campaign. And even then, we weren’t really interested in completing any of the optional challenges.

You don’t need to look like Iron Man for the suits to be cool. However, if you complete some extra missions, you might unlock new colors for the suits.

Despite its technical issues and reused content, Iron Man VR is still worth taking a moment to appreciate for its technical VR accomplishments.

Apart from its frustrating load times, Iron Man VR is one of the best uses of PlayStation VR technology we’ve tried.

The clunky, outdated design of the PlayStation VR controller can sometimes be frustrating, but this is still among the few PSVR titles we’ve played that has been able to track our movements almost flawlessly.

With the PlayStation VR (PSVR), the experience was surprisingly similar to headsets like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, which use more advanced technology than the single-axis motion sensing used by the PSVR.


It’s hard not to feel a little letdown after spending $60 on Iron Man VR. The story isn’t bad, but it’s certainly not great either, and the gameplay feels half-baked at best.

Even if you don’t care about the story, the lack of meaningful progression makes the game feel incomplete.

We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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