People often ask, how does google VR work?

Let’s find out!

How Does Google VR Work?

Google VR is a virtual reality headset that was released by the tech giant Google in 2016. It is designed to be used with Android smartphones and tablets running on Android 4.4 or later versions of the operating system.

The device has two lenses: one for each eye. Each lens contains an LCD screen that displays images from your smartphone’s camera.

These images are then sent to a computer via Wi-Fi. The computer processes these images and creates a 3D model of what you see. This model can then be viewed through the headset using apps such as Google Cardboard.

Google VR is compatible with most smartphones and tablets running Android 4.4 or higher. However, it will not work with older devices. Also, if you have a phone that runs on iOS 9 or earlier, you won’t be able to use this product.

The Google VR headset comes with a controller called Daydream View. This is similar to other controllers available today. You simply place your smartphone into the headset and start playing games.

What is Google Cardboard?

Google Cardboard was an internal project at Google that allowed its engineers to spend 20% of their time working on side projects. This particular project ended up being so successful that lots of companies started making similar products.

Yeah, yeah. What is Google Cardboard? Well, it’s just a simple idea – one you can either purchase as a set from a company or make yourself – that turns your smartphone into a virtual reality headset! It also uses magnets, Velcros, and an elastic strap to hold everything together.

Once assembled, the user sets his/her phone into it and looks through the lens. Combined with compatible applications, this simple setup can transform using your phone into a seemingly real-life interaction.

How Does it Work?

Google Cardboard uses an app called Cardboard to place your smartphone at the optimal viewing distance for each lens. By doing so, the app creates a 3D effect when viewed through the headset.

You can even move around your head, and the images will react as though you were actually there. For instance, you could view the Parisian street scene using the Street Vue app and experience the city from your own perspective.

It has an NFC chip that will launch your official Cardboard application when you put your smartphone inside the device.

What’s also somewhat astonishing is the magnet on the back. If all you’re doin’ is foldin’ up a sheet of paper and stickin’ your phone inside it, why does it matter if the thing holds itself together? Not really.

The little magnet on top of the headset is actually quite an ingenious idea. It’s a push-to-talk switch! Since you can’t reach your phone’s screen while wearing the headset, Google has provided this magnetic switch that, when pushed, acts as if you’re pressing your phone’s touchscreen.

It utilizes your phone’s magnet sensor, which is normally used for compass purposes, to detect this and control it while the headset is being worn.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality can help answer your questions by displaying useful visual information and relevant information right where you need them.

Augmented reality was originally coined by the American inventor Jaron Lanier in 1991 to refer to a new type of technology that allows people to interact with their surroundings using computers. He called it “virtual reality” because it creates an illusion of immersion within a simulated world.

The first commercially available augmented reality device was launched in 1996 by Metaio, a German company that created applications for smartphones that let them display digital images over live video streams.

Over the past few years, augmented reality has been gaining popularity. It’s already being used for various purposes, including navigation, gaming (including Pokémon Go), education, social media, eCommerce, and more.

Google Lens

With Google Lens, you can use your camera to look up information, ask questions, and even make purchases. You can use it in English only at present, but we hope to add support for other language options soon.

Google Assistant

You can ask questions using natural language by saying “Hey, Google” and following along. For example, if you wanted to order an Uber car, you could say, “Hey, Google, where can I get an Uber car?”

Voice Search

With voice search, you simply tell your phone to perform a task by asking it questions using natural language. For example, if you want to listen to some music, you might say “Hey Siri, turn on Spotify.” Or if you want to text someone, you might say “Siri, let’s text [name].”

Voice Actions

With voice commands, you can easily access functions that allow you to manage your life without having to touch your smartphone.

For example, you could use voice commands to switch off Wi-Fi, unlock your device, adjust the sound level, or even create an alarm reminder. You can also use voice commands to check the weather, listen to texts, and so much more!

Virtual Reality

VR can help you experience anything from any place, helping you understand things better by immersing yourself in them.

The internet is an amazing resource for information, but it’s no substitute for actually experiencing something yourself. Virtual realities allow you to do just that, giving you a chance to see things from every angle and learn about them in detail.

They also give you a chance to explore other cultures and their way of life. And if you’re lucky enough to meet someone new online, you might find your perfect match right before your eyes!


So, these are some of the best apps that will help you improve your Android skills. We have tried our level best to include all the essential tools that every Android user should have installed on their devices.

If you think that we have missed anything important, please feel free to mention it in the comments section below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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