A better display, Wi-Fi, and some great games go a long way.

Back when we first saw the original Evercade, it was a fun idea but one that didn’t really take off. It was kind of like nostalgia squared.

There are now almost 40 different game collections available for download, totaled at over 300 games.

There’s now an Xbox One S console (for $200) that has improved graphics and better sound than the previous generation. And there’s the new Evercade EXP ($130/$150), which adds a few improvements to the original Evercade.

It appears that a literal truckload of EXP consoles were stolen.

If you’re interested in learning more about technology, then here’s some exciting new tech news.

Blaze’s Strategy

Blaze, the developer behind Evercade, has announced that it plans to start producing new units once its current supply runs out. If you ordered one, you may want to check the developer’s website for updates.

Evercade EXP Console


It has a better, 800×480 screen – more than twice the resolution of the original one (480×272).

It looks much better than before, but it’s still a 4.3-inch diagonal which feels a bit small for most handheld devices in 2022.

Even though there is actually more real-world performance with a newer 1.5GHz processor and a bigger battery that lasts up to five hours of gaming, it’s not worth upgrading if you don’t need to.


The new all-black design gives the EXP a more mature look than its previous white design.

It’s not bad looking, but it could be better. A slightly smaller and lower profile would improve its look.

For instance, the buttons are nice and clicky, and they’re just the right size. However, combos in fighting games can be difficult to pull off at times.

Built-in Arcade Titles

Among its major advantages are the built-in arcade titles from Capcom. The console includes the Irem Arcade 1 Collection, which contains six arcade titles (including R-Type), but the real fun is found among these Capcom classics such as

  • Street Fight II Hyper Fighting
  • MegaMan
  • Ghouls and Ghosts
  • Breath of Fire.

There are 24 games available to start playing right away.

Increase the Number of Hidden Games

There’s another way to increase the number of hidden games from 14 to 29. It involves a large title on the home screen called “Hidden Games” (in all caps)

This is a carryover from the Visual Studio that first added a “secret” menu item — which isn’t really secret at all; it’s just right there in the main menus and it’s simply called “Secret.

You can enter some code here and unlock even more games, but don’t spoil anything by searching online for hints.

Connect the EXPLORER

Even though you can connect the EXPLORER to a TV over HDMI, there isn’t a USB-C port at the bottom, so you won’t be able to use any controllers – not even a VS one – to play two-player mode on the game console.

It’s a real shame that Street Fighter II sits right there, begging to play as nature intended. But Blaze tells us that it’s an idea they’re exploring but there’s no immediate news to share.

On the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Nintendo Wii consoles, all games can be enjoyed in two-player mode, but the licensing agreement between Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo only allows them to put the games on the game discs themselves, not as cartridges.

Major Changes

The last major change from the original EXP to the EXP2 is the addition of “Tate” (portrait) game modes. These arcade games were often originally designed for vertical play but now they’re playable horizontally too.

Many of the included Capcom titles use this mode, including some from the Irem Arcade cartridge. They’re nice to look at and will be of particular interest to fans of vertical scrollers.

The EXP sports a newer user experience than the original. It borrows almost exactly from the Visual Studio console.

The original handheld was upgraded to look similar to the VS and EXP, but it’ll be missing some features.

Missing Features

It’s easy to use and has lots of useful features, including seeing how often and for how many minutes you’re playing games.

You can also set an upper limit here for truly recreating that ’90s arcade game where you only had seven coins and had to use them carefully.

The EXP maintains the same authentic feel and nods to the classic era that made the original game so fun.

Secret games and things to get unlocked were a staple of that era, so combining them with the nostalgia of cartridges makes the Evercade platform something far beyond just another way to enjoy classic gaming.

Special Programs

There’re even special programs where you get to play upcoming games for free during their launch period.

It doesn’t just revolve around old video game systems; Evercade already has an Indie Collection of modern retro gaming systems, which includes the very recommended Game Boy game Deadeuse.

There are two collections coming up soon. First, we’re releasing an old classic collection, which includes games from our first year of business. Second, we’re planning to release a new collection of modern retro and light indie games.

Ways to Play Retro Games

There are lots of different ways to play retro games, including other handheld systems like Nintendo’s Switch Online service or mini consoles like the NES Classic Edition.

Evercade’S strategy is unique but obviously requires some sort of a “collectors” or “lesser-known gems” for it to really make any sense.

For one, there’s a growing community gathering around the platform, and for them and the likes, the EXP elevates their handheld experiences nicely.

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  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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