The popular PC mod, Elden Ring Reforged, has received a major update that adds a comprehensive bestiary feature to the game. Players can now access and research all enemy types and bosses found throughout The Lands Between via the Codex of the All-Knowing.

The Latest Update

The update spawns a chest in the Roundtable Hold hub, where the codex can be obtained. Players can also craft a consumable item called the ‘Sign of the All-Knowing’ which marks an enemy and enters them into the bestiary when defeated. The Reforged bestiary update is just the latest in a long line of updates to the mod.

What is Elden Ring Reforged?

Elden Ring Reforged is a mod that remixes elements of Elden Ring’s gameplay. It includes swapping around item placements, the ability to resurrect defeated bosses, the addition of Fortune items that can permanently buff your character in certain aspects, and even difficulty adjustment options.

New Life in The Lands Between

Elden Ring is a brilliant game, but one that’s hard to go back to for repeat playthroughs. Mods like Elden Ring Reforged are able to breathe new life into experiences you’ve played time and again. In the very best cases, it can almost feel like you’re playing an entirely new game.


Elden Ring Reforged came forward with a new update that provides multiple new features which the players can access.

Let us know if you have played with the updated version in the comments below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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