Virtual reality uses computer technology to create virtual environments.

The user is immersed in a three-dimensional experience. Users are immersed in and interact with 3D worlds rather than viewing a screen in front of them.

In this article, we will talk about VR, its advantages, disadvantages, and much more.  

Quick Summary

In this article, we will talk about: 

  • When was VR invented?
  • Advantages of VR
  • Disadvantages of VR

So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

When Was VR Invented?

Virtual reality is a technology that allows users to interact with virtual objects in an artificial world.

This artificial environment is presented in a way that makes it appear and feel like a 3D environment.

An animated virtual environment can be used to simulate the real world. The most essential component of virtual reality that simulates real-world experience is software.

American computer scientist Ivan Sutherland and his student, Bob Sproull, developed the first virtual reality headset in 1968. 

The idea of “virtual reality” had been theorized in art and literature since the 1860s, and this was the first example of a VR device that resembled what we know and use today.

It is employed in numerous fields, including: 

  • Gaming and entertainment
  • Education and training
  • Healthcare
  • Military 

A user needs a head-mounted display (HMD) and special types of gloves to input data to experience a virtual reality scene or environment.

Types of VR

There are three types of VR.

  1. Non-immersive simulation
  2. Semi-immersive simulation
  3. Fully-immersive simulation
  4. Semi-immersive simulation

Fully-immersive simulation 

Virtual reality of this kind completely immerses users in the virtual environment. This finally allows users to sense, smell, hear, and interact with items. Usually, it is used for gaming.

Semi-immersive simulation

In this type of virtual reality, users and other devices must interact virtually, even while some of the gadgets are physically present. It has applications for training and educational reasons.

Non-immersive simulation

The standard video game on a computer can be viewed as a non-immersive simulation.

Advantages of VR


Wearing a headset enables users to construct a realistic world and experience the greatest possible visualization.


One of the wonderful advantages of virtual reality in healthcare is pain relief. Many medical professionals have been encouraging their patients to use virtual reality (VR) headsets to lessen pain.


Reading has been replaced by viewing thanks to virtual reality. The technical side of VR is incredibly fascinating and captivating. 

Students can readily interact with teachers for learning by using virtual reality. Students can view the topics they are learning instead of reading about them.

Experiences are made pleasurable through VR technology. Students are motivated to learn and become better informed by this technology.


Virtual reality changed the way people play games and enhanced user experiences. The player can move around, see, and interact with the game’s items using a VR headset and accessories.

Disadvantages of VR


Anyone who engages with something over a prolonged period develops an obsession with it. This is especially true when considering something as amazing as virtual reality. 

Many people enjoy playing violent or unlawful games, but if their interest becomes compulsive, they may end up committing the crime in real life.


Despite the remarkable and entertaining experiences offered by virtual reality technology, not everyone can buy the same equipment because it is expensive. Even if the cost of virtual reality has decreased over time, it is still too expensive for the majority of people to afford.


Virtual reality can be used to some extent to train for tasks like operating on patients or flying a plane. However, training in the real world and in the vial world are two very different things. 

When placed in situations where their decisions may have real-world repercussions, they might not be able to perform at their best.

What Do People Do With Virtual Reality?

Everything and anything. Virtual reality is used in a variety of applications, including learning, research, and entertainment. It is used by organizations and businesses to raise brand awareness and encourage sales. 

About 75% of Forbes’ most valuable brands have developed some kind of augmented reality or virtual reality experience.

Travel and education are two fields that have embraced virtual reality quickly. Travel places have developed VR experiences so that anybody may view the locations and get a taste of what it’s like to visit them in person.

Universities and colleges are taking similar actions. Many universities have developed virtual reality tours of their campuses for use in recruiting.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do Mobile Devices Support Virtual Reality?

Smartphones are used by VR headsets to create a virtual reality experience. Users insert their cellphones into the wearable HMD, which places the screen directly in front of the user’s eyes and has a pair of lenses that add depth perception.

Does Virtual Reality Cause Sickness in People?

Not any more. Technology has only advanced in just one direction. In the 1980s and 1990s, there might have been a tiny delay between when someone moved their head and the image they saw. 

Not everyone felt nauseated because of the latency, though some did. The smoother experience provided by modern technology enables spectators to enjoy VR without interruption.

How Does Virtual Reality Function?

The simplest explanation is that virtual reality “tricks” your brain into believing that you are somewhere else. When you move, a virtual reality headset adjusts the image it displays to give the impression that you are truly in a different environment.

How Do You Build a Virtual Reality Experience?

A virtual reality artist can create a virtual world using specialized software. Therefore, to create a realistic setting, you can use a variety of special video cameras. 

Then, combine several photos to produce a 360-degree experience that can be seen on mobile devices, desktop computers, and in virtual reality (VR).

Is VR 3D?

Yes, the 3-dimensional visuals that are produced by the VR technology are then given to the user through a VR headset. Additionally, there are more sophisticated VR headsets on the market:

  • Oculus Quest 2
  • PlayStation VR
  • The HTC Vive Pro 2


We hope this article has provided you with some useful insights into virtual reality. 

It is the production of a virtual environment that is presented to our senses in a way that makes it feel as though we are there.

It can be used for serious and amusing purposes. Because of the potential of virtual reality, we can anticipate seeing a lot more cutting-edge applications for technology in the future, including perhaps a fundamental change in the way we interact and work.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section below.  


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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