Apple Launches watchOS 10 - Revamped Apps Optimized for the Larger Display of the New Apple Watch Ultra

Shaping Up watchOS 10

watchOS 10 is being heralded as a significant update for Apple Watch users, with a key emphasis on widgets to provide quick, glanceable pieces of information.

Anticipation for WWDC 2023

Bloomberg's comprehensive rundown of everything expected at WWDC 2023 next week revealed the intriguing update about watchOS 10.

Targeting Apple Watch Ultra

As per the report, one of Apple's main objectives with watchOS 10 is to upgrade the core watchOS apps for the Apple Watch Ultra.

Addressing User Complaints

Apple Watch Ultra users have consistently criticized the underutilization of the device's large display.

Newfound Focus on Widgets

In addition to app revamps, watchOS 10 is expected to bring a newfound emphasis on widgets.