Netflix is a popular streaming service that provides access to a vast library of movies and TV shows. With advancements in virtual reality (VR) technology, it is now possible to watch Netflix on a big screen in VR.

This can provide an immersive viewing experience and make you feel like you are in a movie theater. In this article, we will discuss how to watch Netflix on a big screen in VR.

How to Watch Netflix on Bigscreen VR?

To watch Netflix on a big screen in VR, you need a VR headset and a compatible app. The following steps will guide you through the process:

Step 1: Set Up Your VR Headset

First, you need to set up your VR headset according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will involve connecting the headset to your computer or mobile device, and installing any necessary software.

Step 2: Install a Compatible App

Next, you need to install a VR app that is compatible with Netflix. Some popular apps include Bigscreen and Virtual Desktop. You can find these apps on the app store of your VR headset.

Step 3: Open the App and Log in to Netflix

After installing the app, open it and log in to your Netflix account. This will give you access to your Netflix library.

Step 4: Choose a Movie or TV Show

Once you are logged in to Netflix, choose a movie or TV show that you want to watch. You can use the VR app to navigate through the Netflix library and select your desired content.

Step 5: Adjust the Screen Size and Position

Once you have selected your content, you can adjust the size and position of the screen to your liking. This will allow you to create a virtual movie theater experience.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Movie or TV Show

Finally, sit back and enjoy your movie or TV show in VR. You can use headphones to enhance the audio experience and make it feel like you are really in a movie theater.

For those looking to develop their own VR games, our tutorial on using Unreal Engine for VR game development is a must-read.

Watch Netflix on Bigscreen VR – Detailed Information

VR Headset Options

There are several VR headset options that you can choose from, including the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. Each headset has its own unique features and capabilities, so you should choose one that best suits your needs and budget.

Compatible VR Apps

As mentioned earlier, some popular VR apps that are compatible with Netflix include Bigscreen and Virtual Desktop. These apps allow you to watch Netflix on a big screen in VR, as well as interact with other users and create a virtual movie theater experience.

Internet Connection

To stream Netflix in VR, you will need a stable internet connection. This is especially important if you are watching a high-definition movie or TV show, as the streaming quality can be affected by slow or unstable internet connections.

Audio Options

To enhance the audio experience while watching Netflix in VR, you can use headphones. This will create a more immersive experience and make it feel like you are really in a movie theater.

Check out our website for additional information and resources on the topic.

Bigscreen VR

Virtual reality (VR) is a rapidly evolving technology that is transforming the way we interact with digital content. One of the most exciting developments in VR is the emergence of social VR platforms like Bigscreen VR.

What is Bigscreen VR?

Bigscreen VR is a social VR platform that allows users to hang out and watch movies, play games, and chat with friends in a virtual environment. It was created by Bigscreen Inc, a California-based company that was founded in 2014.

The platform is available on several VR headsets, including the Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality.

Features of Bigscreen VR

Bigscreen VR offers several features that make it an exciting platform for socializing and entertainment. Some of these features include:

Virtual Screens

One of the most notable features of Bigscreen VR is the ability to create virtual screens. Users can choose from a variety of screen sizes and positions, allowing them to create a custom viewing experience. This is ideal for watching movies, TV shows, or playing games in a virtual environment.

Multiplayer Support

Bigscreen VR is designed to be a social platform, and it offers robust multiplayer support. Users can invite friends to join their virtual room and watch movies or play games together. This feature allows for a more immersive and social experience.

Customizable Avatars

Bigscreen VR offers a range of customizable avatars, allowing users to create a unique virtual identity. This is ideal for socializing with friends and creating a sense of community within the platform.

Virtual Environments

Bigscreen VR offers a range of virtual environments, including a movie theater, a living room, and a space station. This allows users to choose an environment that matches their mood or the content they are consuming.

If you’re interested in the future of virtual reality and where the technology is headed, our article on VR trends and predictions is a must-read.

How to Use Bigscreen VR?

Using Bigscreen VR is relatively easy, and the following steps will guide you through the process:

Step 1: Set Up Your VR Headset

First, you need to set up your VR headset according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will involve connecting the headset to your computer or mobile device, and installing any necessary software.

Step 2: Install Bigscreen VR

Next, you need to install the Bigscreen VR app on your VR headset. You can find this app on the app store of your VR headset.

Step 3: Create an Account

After installing the app, create an account on Bigscreen VR. This will give you access to all the features of the platform.

Step 4: Customize your Avatar

Once you have created an account, customize your avatar to your liking. This will allow you to create a unique virtual identity.

Step 5: Join or Create a Room

After customizing your avatar, you can join an existing room or create your own. You can invite friends to join your room or join a public room to socialize with other users.

Step 6: Enjoy the Content

Finally, you can enjoy the content available on Bigscreen VR. You can watch movies, and TV shows, play games with friends, or simply socialize and hang out in a virtual environment.


Watching Netflix on a big screen in VR can provide an immersive viewing experience that makes you feel like you are in a movie theater. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up your VR headset and start watching your favorite movies and TV shows on a virtual big screen.

Remember to choose a compatible VR app, ensure a stable internet connection, and use headphones to enhance the audio experience.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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