Phasmophobia is a popular virtual reality game developed by Kinetic Games, where players have to investigate paranormal activities in various haunted locations. In the game, players use various tools to identify and communicate with ghosts, including Tarot cards.

The use of Tarot cards in the game adds an extra layer of complexity and strategy to the gameplay. In this article, we will discuss how to use Tarot cards in Phasmophobia VR and how they can help players in identifying ghosts.

How to Use Tarot Cards in Phasmophobia VR?

Using Tarot cards in Phasmophobia VR requires some preparation and strategy. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Buy Tarot Cards from the Equipment Store

Players can purchase Tarot cards from the Equipment Store by selecting “Buy” from the main menu. Tarot cards cost $10 in-game currency and can be used multiple times.

Step 2: Equip the Tarot Cards

After purchasing the Tarot cards, players need to equip them from the Inventory menu. To access the Inventory, press the “I” key on the keyboard or “Y” on the Xbox controller. From the Inventory menu, select the Tarot cards and equip them by pressing the “E” key or the “A” button on the Xbox controller.

Step 3: Use the Tarot Cards

Players can use the Tarot cards to communicate with ghosts and identify their characteristics. To use the Tarot cards, players need to enter the ghost’s room and press the “F” key or the “X” button on the Xbox controller to start the session.

During the session, the Tarot cards will display different symbols and meanings that players can use to identify the ghost’s behavior and characteristics.

Step 4: Interpret the Tarot Cards

The Tarot cards in Phasmophobia VR have different meanings and interpretations. Here are some of the most common Tarot cards and their meanings:

  • The Fool: Represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and adventure.
  • The Hanged Man: Represents sacrifice, letting go, and surrender.
  • The Tower: Represents chaos, upheaval, and transformation.
  • The Sun: Represents joy, success, and optimism.
  • The Moon: Represents mystery, intuition, and the subconscious.

Players need to interpret the Tarot cards based on the context and the ghost’s behavior to identify their characteristics.

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How do Tarot Cards Help in Identifying Ghosts?

Tarot cards can help players in identifying ghosts in several ways. Here are some of the ways Tarot cards can help:

  • Identify the Ghost’s Behavior: Each Tarot card represents a different behavior or characteristic. Players can use the Tarot cards to identify the ghost’s behavior and narrow down their type.
  • Confirm the Ghost’s Type: Once players have identified the ghost’s behavior, they can use the Tarot cards to confirm their type. For example, if the Tarot cards display symbols related to water, it could confirm that the ghost is a Water Elemental.
  • Determine the Ghost’s Strength: The Tarot cards can also help players determine the ghost’s strength and plan their strategy accordingly. For example, if the Tarot cards display symbols related to fire, it could indicate that the ghost is more aggressive and dangerous.

Phasmophobia VR

Phasmophobia VR is a popular virtual reality game developed by Kinetic Games that takes players on a spooky and thrilling journey of investigating paranormal activities in various haunted locations.

In the game, players have to use various tools and techniques to communicate with ghosts and identify their behavior and characteristics.


Phasmophobia VR is a first-person game that puts players in the shoes of a paranormal investigator. The game features various haunted locations, including houses, asylums, prisons, and schools, where players have to investigate and gather evidence of paranormal activities.

To do this, players have to use different tools, including EMF readers, spirit boxes, and UV lights, to identify the presence of ghosts and communicate with them.

Players also have to complete objectives, such as identifying the ghost’s type, preventing it from hunting, and capturing its photo or evidence, to earn rewards and progress in the game. However, players have to be careful and avoid being caught or attacked by ghosts, as it can result in their death and the game is over.

Looking for advice on how to choose the best VR headset for your needs? Our guide to buying a VR headset covers all the key factors to consider.


Phasmophobia VR offers several features that make it a unique and immersive gaming experience. Here are some of the most notable features of the game:

  1. Co-op Mode: Phasmophobia VR allows players to play with up to three other players in co-op mode, making it a great game to play with friends and family.
  2. Realistic Graphics and Sound Effects: The game features realistic graphics and sound effects that enhance the spooky and eerie atmosphere of the haunted locations.
  3. Randomized Ghost Behavior: The game has a randomized ghost behavior system that ensures each playthrough is unique and challenging.
  4. VR Support: Phasmophobia VR supports virtual reality, which allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game and experience the thrill of investigating paranormal activities.


Phasmophobia VR requires strategy and planning to be successful. Here are some tips and strategies that players can use to improve their chances of survival and completing objectives:

  1. Use Headphones: Using headphones can help players hear the ghost’s voice and footsteps, making it easier to locate and avoid them.
  2. Communicate with the Ghost: Communicating with the ghost using spirit boxes or Ouija boards can help players identify their behavior and characteristics, making it easier to complete objectives.
  3. Stick Together: Sticking together with other players in co-op mode can help players avoid being caught or attacked by the ghost, making it easier to complete objectives and earn rewards.
  4. Use Tools Effectively: Each tool in the game has a specific use and effectiveness. Players should learn how to use each tool effectively to identify and communicate with ghosts.

To learn more about the psychology of virtual reality and its potential applications in mental health treatment, read our article on the topic.


In conclusion, Tarot cards are a valuable tool in Phasmophobia VR that can help players in identifying ghosts and planning their strategy. Players need to follow the steps mentioned above to use the Tarot cards effectively and interpret their meanings based on the context and the ghost’s behavior.

With the help of Tarot cards, players can improve their chances of surviving and completing their paranormal investigations successfully.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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