Twitch is one of the most popular live-streaming platforms in the world, and it provides a unique experience to viewers by allowing them to interact with streamers and other viewers through its chat feature.

With the increasing popularity of VR technology, it is now possible to see Twitch chat in VR Oculus. In this article, we will discuss how to see Twitch chat in VR Oculus, step by step.

How To See Twitch Chat in VR Oculus?

To see Twitch chat in VR Oculus, you need to use an app called OVR Toolkit. OVR Toolkit is a tool that allows you to use your desktop applications within VR. With OVR Toolkit, you can see your desktop screen, including Twitch chat, while you are in VR.

Here are the steps to see Twitch chat in VR Oculus using OVR Toolkit:

  1. Install OVR Toolkit: First, you need to install OVR Toolkit on your computer. You can download it from the Steam store. Once it’s installed, launch it from your Steam library.
  2. Launch Twitch: Next, launch Twitch on your desktop. You can do this by opening a web browser and going to the Twitch website.
  3. Open OVR Toolkit: Now that you have Twitch open on your desktop, you need to open OVR Toolkit. You can do this by clicking on the OVR Toolkit icon in your Steam library.
  4. Add Twitch chat to OVR Toolkit: In OVR Toolkit, click on the “+” button in the bottom left corner of the screen. This will bring up a menu where you can select the window you want to add to OVR Toolkit. Select the Twitch chat window and click “Add.”
  5. Position the Twitch chat window: Now that you have added the Twitch chat window to OVR Toolkit, you need to position it in VR. In OVR Toolkit, click and drag the Twitch chat window to the position where you want it in VR.
  6. Adjust the size of the Twitch chat window: You can adjust the size of the Twitch chat window by clicking and dragging the edges of the window in OVR Toolkit.
  7. Launch VR: Finally, launch VR on your Oculus headset. Once you’re in VR, you should be able to see the Twitch chat window in front of you.

OVR Toolkit

OVR Toolkit is a powerful tool that allows you to use your desktop applications within VR. In addition to seeing Twitch chat in VR, you can also use OVR Toolkit to see other desktop applications, such as your web browser, Discord, or Spotify.

OVR Toolkit is also customizable, so you can adjust the size, position, and opacity of the windows you add to it.

VR Oculus

Virtual Reality (VR) has revolutionized the way we experience entertainment and interact with the digital world. One of the leading VR devices in the market is the Oculus, which offers an immersive experience with its advanced features and capabilities.

What is VR Oculus?

Oculus is a VR device created by Facebook, which provides a virtual reality experience for gaming, entertainment, education, and more. The device uses advanced sensors and controllers to track your movements and provide a realistic experience in a virtual environment.

Features of VR Oculus

  1. Advanced tracking: Oculus uses sensors to track your movements, allowing you to move around freely in a virtual environment.
  2. High-resolution display: The device has a high-resolution display with a wide field of view, which provides a more immersive experience.
  3. Comfortable design: The Oculus is designed to be comfortable, with adjustable straps and padding for long-term use.
  4. Customizable controls: The Oculus controllers can be customized to suit your preferences, with programmable buttons and triggers.
  5. Extensive game library: Oculus has an extensive game library, with popular titles like Beat Saber, Superhot, and Robo Recall.

How to Set Up VR Oculus?

  1. Install the Oculus app: First, you need to download and install the Oculus app on your computer.
  2. Connect the device: Connect your Oculus device to your computer using the provided cables.
  3. Configure the settings: Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the device settings and set up your user profile.
  4. Install games: Browse the Oculus game library and install the games you want to play.

Tips for Using VR Oculus

  1. Take breaks: VR can be immersive and intense, so it’s important to take breaks and rest your eyes and mind.
  2. Keep your space clear: Make sure the space around you is clear of any obstacles or hazards before using VR.
  3. Experiment with settings: Try experimenting with the device settings to find the optimal configuration for your experience.
  4. Use headphones: Using headphones can enhance the audio experience and provide a more immersive environment.
  5. Keep the device clean: Regularly clean the device and controllers to maintain hygiene and prevent damage.
Credit to Reddit

VR Oculus Streaming Platforms

VR Oculus streaming platforms allow users to stream their VR content to a live audience. These platforms provide a platform for creators to showcase their VR content and engage with their audience in real time.


  1. Real-time streaming: VR Oculus streaming platforms offer real-time streaming of VR content to a live audience.
  2. Customizable settings: These platforms offer customizable settings for streamers to personalize their stream, such as bitrate, resolution, and graphics settings.
  3. Interaction with viewers: Streamers can interact with their viewers through chat and other features provided by the platform.
  4. Easy setup: Setting up a VR Oculus stream is easy, and most platforms offer step-by-step instructions to get started.
  5. Community support: VR Oculus streaming platforms have a strong community of creators and viewers, providing support and resources for new and experienced streamers.

Top VR Oculus Streaming Platforms

  1. Twitch: Twitch is one of the largest streaming platforms, with a dedicated VR category for streamers to showcase their VR content.
  2. YouTube VR: YouTube VR offers a VR experience for viewers to watch and interact with VR content, and also allows creators to stream their VR content live.
  3. Facebook Gaming: Facebook Gaming is a platform dedicated to gaming content, including VR content. It offers features like live streaming, chat, and community support.
  4. SteamVR: SteamVR is a platform that allows users to access a range of VR content, including games, videos, and applications. It also offers streaming capabilities for creators to showcase their VR content.
  5. AltspaceVR: AltspaceVR is a social VR platform that allows users to host events and meetups in a virtual environment. It also offers streaming capabilities for creators to showcase their VR content.

Tips for Streaming VR Oculus Content

  1. Check your internet speed: Streaming VR content requires a high-speed internet connection, so make sure your internet speed is sufficient.
  2. Test your setup: Before going live, test your setup and make sure everything is working correctly.
  3. Engage with your viewers: Interact with your viewers through chat and other features provided by the platform.
  4. Personalize your stream: Customize your stream with overlays, graphics, and other features to make it stand out.
  5. Collaborate with other creators: Collaborate with other VR content creators to reach new audiences and create unique experiences.


In conclusion, if you want to see Twitch chat in VR Oculus, OVR Toolkit is the way to go. With OVR Toolkit, you can easily add Twitch chat to your VR experience, and interact with other viewers and streamers while you’re in VR.

Follow the steps above to see Twitch chat in VR Oculus using OVR Toolkit, and start enjoying a more immersive Twitch experience.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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