Undocking a Gear VR device can be confusing, especially for new users.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of undocking your Gear VR headset properly to avoid any damage or errors.

By following our instructions, you’ll learn how to safely undock your Gear VR device without damaging it and protect your investment.

How to Properly Undock Gear VR?

Undocking Gear VR may seem like a simple process, but it is crucial to follow the correct steps to avoid damage. Here are the steps to undock Gear VR properly:

  • Step 1: Remove the front cover
  • Step 2: Detach the phone from the Gear VR
  • Step 3: Remove the Gear VR from your head

Let’s take a more detailed look at each of these steps.

Properly Undocking Gear VR – Detailed Information

Step 1: Remove the Front Cover

The first step to undocking Gear VR is to remove the front cover. To do this, gently pull the cover off the headset by using the tabs on either side of the device. Be careful not to apply too much force while removing the cover as it may damage the device.

Step 2: Detach the Phone From the Gear VR

Once the front cover is removed, you can access the phone holder. To detach the phone from the Gear VR, press the release button on the top of the holder and slide the phone out. Make sure to hold the phone securely while doing this to avoid dropping it.

Step 3: Remove the Gear VR From Your Head

The last step to undocking Gear VR is to remove the headset from your head. Slowly and gently lift the Gear VR off your face. Be careful not to pull the device off forcefully as it may damage the device or hurt your face.

Additional Tips

  • Always use clean and dry hands while undocking Gear VR.
  • Avoid touching the lenses of the device while removing it from your head.
  • Store your Gear VR in a cool and dry place to avoid any damage or distortion.

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Gear VR

Gear VR is a popular virtual reality headset developed by Samsung in collaboration with Oculus. It is a portable and affordable VR solution that provides an immersive experience to its users.

Features of Gear VR

Gear VR comes with several features that make it stand out from other VR headsets in the market. Let’s take a look at some of its key features:

  1. Compatibility: Gear VR is compatible with Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the Galaxy S6, S7, S8, Note 5, and Note 7. The phone fits into the headset, and the user can control the VR experience using the phone’s touchpad and buttons.
  2. Immersive experience: Gear VR provides a 360-degree view of virtual reality environments, giving users an immersive experience. The device is equipped with sensors that track the user’s head movements, allowing them to look around and interact with the virtual world.
  3. Comfortable design: Gear VR is designed to be comfortable to wear for extended periods. It has a padded front and a head strap that can be adjusted for a secure fit. The device also has ventilation ports to prevent the lenses from fogging up.
  4. User-friendly interface: Gear VR comes with an easy-to-use interface that allows users to navigate through the VR content. The interface includes a virtual home screen and a library of VR apps and games.

Looking for advice on how to choose the best VR headset for your needs? Our guide to buying a VR headset covers all the key factors to consider.

Compatibility of Gear VR

As mentioned earlier, Gear VR is compatible with Samsung Galaxy smartphones. However, not all Galaxy phones are compatible with the device. Here are the compatible models:

  • Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge Plus, and S6 Active
  • Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, and S7 Active
  • Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus
  • Galaxy Note 5, Note 7 (recalled), and Note 8

To use Gear VR, users need to download the Gear VR app from the Oculus store and insert their phone into the headset. The app will automatically launch, and users can start exploring the VR content.

Usage of Gear VR

Gear VR can be used for various purposes, including gaming, watching movies, and exploring virtual environments. Let’s take a look at how to use Gear VR for these purposes.

  1. Gaming: Gear VR comes with a wide range of VR games that users can explore. To play a game, users need to navigate to the Games section of the Gear VR app and select the game they want to play. Once the game is launched, users can control the game using the touchpad and buttons on their phone.
  2. Watching movies: Gear VR also provides a unique movie-watching experience. To watch a movie, users need to navigate to the Video section of the Gear VR app and select the movie they want to watch. The movie will be played on a virtual screen, giving users a theater-like experience.
  3. Exploring virtual environments: Gear VR also allows users to explore virtual environments. To do this, users can navigate to the Explore section of the Gear VR app and select the environment they want to explore. They can then move around and interact with the environment using the touchpad and head movements.

Maintenance of Gear VR

To ensure a long-lasting VR experience, it is essential to maintain and care for the Gear VR device. Here are some tips on how to maintain Gear VR:

  1. Clean the lenses regularly: The lenses of Gear VR can get dirty or foggy over time, affecting the VR experience. To clean the lenses, users can use a microfiber cloth or lens cleaning solution.
  2. Store in a cool and dry place: Gear VR should be stored in a cool and dry place to prevent any damage or distortion to the device. Avoid storing it in areas with high humidity or temperature.
  3. Avoid exposing to sunlight: Direct exposure to sunlight can damage the Gear VR lenses and screen. Users should avoid leaving the device in direct sunlight for extended periods.
  4. Handle with care: Gear VR is a delicate device, and users should handle it with care. Avoid dropping it or applying too much pressure while using it.

If you’re concerned about the potential negative effects of virtual reality on your health and well-being, check out our article on the risks and benefits of VR.


Properly undocking Gear VR is an essential step to ensure a safe and long-lasting VR experience. Follow these simple steps and additional tips to undock Gear VR correctly and avoid any damage to the device.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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