Metal Gear Solid is a well-known franchise in the gaming community. It follows the story of a covert organization and explores various characters. 

However, as it turns out, not all games of the franchise are easily playable.

This guide will shed light on various ways you can use to play Metal Gear Solid games. 

Quick Summary

We’ll cover the following points by the end of this post:

  • Easy guide to play MGS games
  • Important FAQs and tips

So without any further delay, let’s get to it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Play Metal Gear Solid Games

Metal Gear Solid games are one of the few titles that are released on every generation of PlayStation. From PS1 to PS5, a total of 30 titles were released.  

The tricky part is that older titles in the franchise can’t be played on new-generation consoles and PC. To solve this problem, follow the following guide. 

Guide to Install Emulator

Before we begin the guide, there are some necessary tools you need. The list includes two emulators and game files. 

For MGS1 and MGS2, you can download the MSX Emulator from GOG. It is a community-based website that has multiple emulators for older games. 

What should I do after downloading the setup?

Simply install the emulator on any drive once the emulator is installed, run the recovery to ensure file integrity. 

After this, your emulator will be ready to play games.

Simple Guide to Play Metal Gear Solid Games

Once you download and install the emulator, it’s time to find the games. The MSX emulator is only made for MGS1 and MGS2. 

You can find both titles on GOG’s main website. Simply type the respective title in the search bar and it will pop up. 

Unzip the Files

The first thing you need to do is decompress the files into a unique folder. For this, you can use WinRAR or 7zip software. 

Once you do that, your game files will be transferred to the specified folder. However, you cannot play the game yet. 

Launch the Emulator

Now go to the MGX emulator location. Launch the emulator and refresh it a couple of times to clear the cache. 

After that click on the load menu in the top left corner. It will open a drop-down menu with multiple options.

Load the Game

Next step is to load the game from its root directory. Once you click on the load game menu, it will prompt a new window. 

From here, you can select the game directory and load the game files. The emulator will automatically launch the game. 

How do I know which file should be loaded into the Emulator?

To identify the files, simply scroll down to the files with the game name and ‘.exe’ extension. This is most likely going to be your game file. 

Customize the Emulator

After the game is loaded and launched, you can change various aspects of the emulator. It lets you customize screen size, buttons, and graphic settings. 

It is highly recommended to use the emulator in full-screen mode. Otherwise, it can disrupt your gameplay. 

Guide to Play MGS Games Released on PS2

The aforementioned guide was specifically made for MGS1 and MGS2. For MGS games released on PS2, you’ll have to do certain things differently. 

First of all, you’ll need an upgraded version of the MGS emulator. It goes by the name of PCSX2. Once you download it, the emulator can run almost every single PS2 title. 

Install the Emulator

Download the emulator file from the website and install it in a drive with at least 20 GB of free space. After that, run a basic recovery to ensure the emulator works. 

Download the Game Files

Next step is to get the game files. You can either copy them off a PS2 disk or get them online. 

Either way, move the files to the games directory of the emulator. 

Load the Game Files

After you move the files, simply go to the load game option in the menu and select the respective game file. 

The emulator will automatically load all the data and launch the game. 

Unload the Files

Once you are done playing, it is important to clear the cache for a future session. It can be done by simply running a basic recovery. 

Guide to Play MGS Games Released on PS4 and PS5

After the titles were released on PS2, MGS didn’t release a main sequel or prequel to the game. The MGS franchise took a hiatus until the release of PS4. 

Subsequently, they are also planning to release some mastered versions of the older games for PS5. 

How do I play MGS games on PS4?

You can play MGS games either through disk or digital download. The disk version takes less space compared to the digital version. 

Moreover, you don’t need an active connection to download the game files for the disk version. 

MGS Games Available on PC

Other than its availability on consoles, there are some MGS titles you can play on PC as well. The list includes MGS: Ground Zero and MGS: Phantom Pain. 

You can simply download the STEAM game client and purchase the game to download. Once the download is complete, you can launch the game and play it. 

Are there any compatibility issues with MGS games on PC?

Both installments are specifically designed for PC. You won’t face any compatibility issues as long as the minimum requirements are met. 

Moreover, it also features minor updates to keep the game in running condition. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does MGS follow a linear storyline?

One complex element of the MGS franchise is its non-linear storyline. Every single installment follows the story of a new character. It features a combination of events set in the past, present, and future. 

Do I have to pirate game files for the emulator?

No, you can buy older games from online stores like GOG for a cheap price. Moreover, these online stores also provide respective emulators to run the games smoothly. 

Is MGS a single-player or multiplayer game?

The core gameplay of the MGS franchise revolves around an open-world RPG. You progress through a series of objectives throughout the story and unlock new elements related to your character. 

Is any MGS game in VR?

Currently, there are no MGS titles available for VR headsets. In recent press interviews, many Konami representatives have stated their interest in the idea of a VR title. According to reports, the upcoming title will have limited VR compatibility. 

Wrapping Things Up…

With this, we come to the finish line of our guide on How to Play Metal Gear Solid Games. We hope you can use this information to enjoy the MGS franchise. 

Metal Gear Solid is a franchise that started way back in the 90s. However, you can still play the old installments with the help of emulators. 

Do let us know about your experience in the comments below. 


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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