You can make a VR game in Roblox. But how?

Let’s find out.

How to Make a VR Game in Roblox?

Roblox VR

Roblox supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive on Windows PCs.

How to Enable VR

Before you can use Roblox for VR, you’ll first need to install Roblox and then go through these instructions.

Make sure that your device is properly plugged into your computer and that VR mode is turned on. To toggle between VR mode and non-VR mode, go to Menu>Settings>VR>On/Off.

HTC Vive

  1. Open the SteamVR app from your computer.
  2. Make sure your base station batteries are charged.
  3. Connect your headset to the computer using the link cable provided.
  4. To turn the game console on, first push the system button until you see a beep. Then, keep pushing the system button until you start hearing another beep. Finally, release the system button when you see yet another beep.
  5. The SteamVR app has an icon on its menu bar. To access the System Dashboard, click the System button on either Controller.

Note: If you quit the SteamVR App, the Controllers will automatically shut down. They will also automatically shut down if they’ve been inactive for some time.

Oculus Rift

  1. Open the Oculus app on your computer and click the Gear icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Choose gear settings
  3. Click on “General” from the left menu
  4. To toggle the “Unknown sources” option so it appears as a checked box instead of an unchecked one.
  5. To confirm your selection, click OK.
  6. Choose to play on a Roblox game
  7. You’ll notice a square screen on your computer monitor indicating VR (virtual reality) modes (image below).
  8. Plug in your headphones and play!

How to Use the VR Radial Menu

You can access all of the important system setting options through the VR radial menu.

  • Press the menu button to bring up the radial menu.
  • Select any of the following options:
    • System Menu – Access system options
    • Player List – View your own player list
    • Recenter Camera – Recenter the camera on your character
    • Notifications – View notifications from Roblox
    • Exit Game – Exit the experience
    • Backpack – View your in-experience inventory
    • 2D UI toggle – Turn off 2D UI if you don’t need it. It should remain turned off until you turn it back on again.

The menu items shown in the preceding figure correspond to the buttons shown here, starting from the upper left corner and moving clockwise.

How to Toggle VR Mode

You can switch between using your VR headset and your desktop monitor by turning on/off VR mode in the experience.

You can turn off VR mode by doing the following:

  • To access the menu, tap the Menu button.
  • Click on the system menu option
  • Turn off the VR option.

You can turn off VR mode by doing the below:

  • To bring up the system menu, press Esc on your keyboard or click the hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Turn on the VR option.

How to Make a VR Game in Roblox?

Best Roblox VR Games

Project SCP

You can play Project SCiP with VR or without VR; however, it’s a lot of enjoyable to handle the weapons and attempt to get out of the facility if you’re actually there in the game.

It’s a first-person shooter game, but it isn’t that competitive because you’re shooting AI enemies instead of other people. You can choose different characters to help you in your escape, as well as a variety of different weapons.

Opposer VR

Opposer VR is an early-access game that is playable in VR. It features a lot of unique weapons and maps, but there are still some bugs and issues.

You can get the Nuclear Pistol, if luck is on your side, or hit an opponent with a crate. It’s advertised as a fighting game, which means there are plenty of different options for playing that don’t just involve shooting people.

VR World Beta

Playing games in VR is one of the most enjoyable experiences available in VR Roblox. Other than VR Hands, of course.

The game is still in beta and gets updates from time to time with new features and ways to enjoy the game.

SVR – Simulated Virtual Reality

Unlike most games in the VR section of the Roblox store, this one doesn’t require you to buy a VR headset. It lets you play in VR even if you’re not using a VR headset.

There are other games out there that try to simulate the VR experience, like Virtual Reality Hands (VRHands). These aren’t quite the same as actually putting on a head­set yourself, but they can still be pretty fun!

Vibe VR

Vibe VR is yet another fun game with loads of different activities to play with an Oculus Rift headset, including table football, wrestling with other people, and a full-blown darts board.

It’s not the best Roblox video game out there, but there are usually around 30 or 40 other people online to play with. Maybe you could try playing the keyboard for them?

Sked’s Playground

Sked’s Playgrounds is a fun game where players must work together to complete an obstacle race.

You can even decide not to help them and simply throw them around the play­ground if you want, as there are no limits to the possibilities in this VR game.

VR Islands

There are lots of things you can do in VR Island besides playing games. You can use the pool table, shoot paintball guns at each other, or even burn the non-VR players using the stove.

Whatever you make it as you roleplay in this virtual world is always better when you’re joined by a few people.

Noodle VR

If you want to play Roblox games, you can either be a VR Noodle or choose to become a Classic Roblox Player, but obviously, VR has all the power.

They’re not just given loose noodles for arms; they can even use them to fight! As long as they don’t attack people, they won’t get hurt.

It has been designed so that everyone can interact with each other regardless of which platform they’re using.


Virtual reality is a great way to immerse yourself in a completely different environment. There are many different types of games available for VR headsets, and you can find something that suits you perfectly.

Whether you prefer action games or puzzle games, you can find something that works for you.

If you have any questions feel free to comment below.


  • Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.


Victor is the Editor in Chief at Techtyche. He tests the performance and quality of new VR boxes, headsets, pedals, etc. He got promoted to the Senior Game Tester position in 2021. His past experience makes him very qualified to review gadgets, speakers, VR, games, Xbox, laptops, and more. Feel free to check out his posts.

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